New Member
How is your back Terri?
sorry sam did get your text, have mnaged to get in the shower and its a bit easier, am off to the docs later, so will keep you all inormed
How is your back Terri?
That's cool - I'll bring les chats as well!! Ha ha! They are HUGE though and we'd never get all the carriers in the car!
Housebuying is definitely a stressful time, but also such an exciting time, so hopefully one will outweigh the other! The excitement outweighing the stress that is!!
I am excited for you having truffles….
Hi, Rach,
Where abouts are you moving to?
Will you be staying with the same PCT?
(OMG this blooming thing takes over all your thoughts :sigh
By the way - I L O V E the snow, hence my forthcoming trip to Iceland (hope to see a bit there, might have to do with the glaciers, though). xx
Do you feel the pain int your leg at all?
told him about the swelling and the bruise thats just appeared and he saidits just fluid and a build up of fluid. It was stupid bloody dr naik, if its not completely gone i gonna ask to see another dr.
He's a waste of space. I know that Twig refuses to see him.
Onm the discs that are damaged I do have several disc bulges so dpending on whuch ones are inflamed I either get pain down both legs of just one of them, as the bulge presses on the siatic nerve.
told him about the swelling and the bruise thats just appeared and he saidits just fluid and a build up of fluid. It was stupid bloody dr naik, if its not completely gone i gonna ask to see another dr.