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Walsall Manor Posse

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OMG you girlies can't arf natter, its taken me ages to read all the posts and now I can't remember what I wanted to comment on! :eek:

Firstly Sam at last you have news! BRILLIANT I'm soooo happy.


Hello Janey glad you've found this lovely forum with top pips on it, It does keep you sane....well except if your name is Red, Sam, Terri, Tina need I go on lol. Anyways chucks your a lucky thang, cuz you have found these wonderful people who will support you 100% and be there every step of the way through your weightloss journey. :D
Creeping over!!!! (please send cheques payable to Mizz W Slob)lol
Well I've had a good giggle reading what you lot av been up too. Sam my gosh what ya gona do about them bangers? :eek: What am I gona do? Oh dear here I was just worrying about wiping me butt, now this.
Janey I have been very excited about my surgery until yesterday, then the apprehension started and has remained, Im going to get my bits all waxed in the morning and I'm worried about that too...never had it done before:( So I will look me best on that table :D
Rach I have to agree with Red, there are loads of other threads on here with loads of other wonderful people who can support and YOU support them also, this is a two way thing on here you take it but you offer it back. The giving back really helps me it makes me feel happier to give something back, you should have a mooch around and try it chucks, it may make you feel better too. Its not about finding out lots of information its about what you do with it and sharing it also. I hope you feel better soon and don't leave the site because that would be a shame, we are all in the same boat and we all help each other one way or another.:)
Tina I hope your lap top is ok at least it was the movical and not what the movical causes:eek: lol
Lorna I take my hat off to you girl, your attitude is something to be admired, I really hope you fight and go on to win, I'm sure you will though:p
Erm I think that is it, there was just too much going on. Take care all you cool cats and speak soon. xxxxx
is the cheeky vimto on intravenous at wm lol

O, yer mean it don't come as standard? No over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders post-op and now this? Such a disappointment for a (not so) young girl!

I'm off for a harrumph!........
don't give him any idea's red. He doesnt take much encouraging at the best of times lmao

I really dont think I could manage for weeks with no bra. I will have to buy one thats a band size bigger I think, perhaps an unwired one. Sod the expense, Im more concerned with the hump I'll have on my back after 3 weeks bra-less!

You can buy bra extenders off ebay. They lengthen your bra. Only cost about 90p. Might be worth the investment :D
I see Terri is one week today for her 1st pre-op!


I'm feeling quite excited aboit it all this nmorning just realised that I should have a date for my op with in 3 - 4weeks and then the fun begins, got my hibi scrub and will start using that once a day when I have a shower til I've had my pre op and then the same again the week before my actual op. Just got the girls and peter to sort out then its all systems go :D
Terri, you are so like me. I plan everything in advance with military precision. lol! I find it helps distract me from the frustration of waiting.

am trying but peter is so laid back he does things in his own time and that gets me even more frustarted than not being able to plan for things as I don't have my op date lol He just keeps saying I'll speak to work tomorrow I don't want to speak to so and so just him and he can't see what the problem is. He thinks I'm mad because I want to start buying stuff for my hospital bag so its all there ready and waiting I just want to scream at him but it wouldn't make any difference, men arrggghhhhhh
god terri, its getting closer. Angela, tomorrow your ticker will be counting down in days instead of months!

Will they give you your op date at first or 2nd pre op?
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