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Weekly weigh in

Yay well to go Chrisa good loss despite the challenges your dealing with. Keep up the positive downward motion. Fingers crossed for us both.

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$lbs is awesome Chris. well done. I got to 'goal' this week and it feels fantastic. I'm not sure if I'll stick here though-I'll have to see how I feel. Maintaining seems a pretty scary prospect,especially with no advice from the hospital.
How are you today Pen ? How many days on your meds now hun?
Well done miss tickle on reaching your goal that's fantastic good luck on the maintainence side I admit its scary thinking about it.
Been on meds since Tuesday so 7 days not sure what I feel at the moment if anything even more numb & can't be arsed with anything! Trying to set my self goals of basic things to do but its easier just to sit & drift so here's hoping they kick in soon but not sure how I'm meant to feel with their effect either. Had a letter from counselling team on Friday & called left a message on their answer phone as no one there despite phoning before they closed for the day. So will see what that brings today or will call later today again.

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I had Citralopam for about 4 years for PTSD, which included anxiety and stress. I can't remember suddenly feeling different, but then I was suffering from inconsolable grief. I do remember that the anxiety began to subside slowly and the panic attacks became manageable. It was years before the flashbacks subsided, and I think it was practicing self hypnosis in conjunction with the meds that helped. Counselling didn't- but that was because she wasn't a great counselor and was over whelmed by my circumstances. Never good when the therapist cries...
Good luck hun. I think of you often xx
Appointment made for the 28th December first one available in town rather than travelling which will be awkward with work. I'd rather not take time off for it unless it can be avoided especially if it affects the lessons I teach as it will involve a lot of extra work setting work for the cover teacher.
I asked not to have Citalopram as that's what possibly pushed Thomas over the edge last year & would prefer not to have the same drug just In case it was & wasn't just a rare reaction as they claim. Feeling calm right now whether that's the meds or just having admitted I wasn't coping has taken the self imposed pressured off myself so I can say help without feeling the failure I'd been convinced I would be if I didn't cope. I can still cry at the drop of a hat or a kind word but its early days yet, with luck time & the counselling will help they look at what may suit apparently either as a stand alone treatment or combination of treatments so we shall see what happens, helps or not once the appointment happens. Until then I'll take it easy or as easily as I can setting up a list of things that need to be done each week or day so everyone mucks in & helps out or is at least aware of what needs doing so can accept there are things they can help with.

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2lb off since last weigh in. Tablets seem to be working as mood seems to be coping with eldest's latest health disaster. Back to hospital this afternoon as struggling to breath again so likely to be kept in overnight. Fingers crossed hrs going to get better this time.

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2lb off again this week now just 1lb off the weight is finally back to my lowest weight for years I was back in June. Lets hope I can continue this downward trend & hit my 10st 7lb initial target. If I go any lower that will be great to but if I can hit the healthy bmi & weight in the new year that will be fantastic.

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Good for you penny!! It sounds like you are back on track again.. hope you are feeling better x
Well done Penny , you sound a bit brighter xx
Tired full of cold wanting the end of term to be this week not next Friday. Got my annual appraisal on the penultimate day of term but despite it all I'm in that numb space created by the meds so managing to feel if that's the right word a little more positive & calmer.
At least somehow I'm clawing back some control of my eating & if I must comfort eat I'm trying to eat protein bars or lower fat & sugar alternatives. Now to eat more sensibly the rest of the time.

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You are doing so well honey - well done for keeping your head above the water.
Thanks Yvessa, hopefully the counselling when it starts after Xmas will help me find the right mindset to cope with the demons & my reactions to them on as many levels as possible, plus a little help with the body image would be great to. Whether that's possible whilst dealing with the depression I don't know but maybe one thing will help the rest.

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Often the depression is just there. The other things actually won't impact up or down until you start to pick away at the darkness. But it will come and actually, by asking for help and sticking with th emeds, you've come a long way already.
Another half a pound off this week but I think it would be nearer two now as walking home I started to need the loo barely made it in in time. Sorry tmi I'm sure. Lets see if I can beat last years Christmas gain by maintaining or even losing. This is my 3rd Christmas since starting my pre-funding /op diet the first I gained a pound, last Christmas my first post-op I gained half a pound so lets see if this year I can maintain or even loose. Lets hope the determination & mindset keep things in check. Lol

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Well done Pen !
1/2lb loss yay first loss over Xmas in many years even gained 1/2lb Xmas 2011 my first post-op. has hoped to maintain but to have lost feels good.
hiya im from your area i have just entered my 8th week post op the last 3 weeks no weight loss hope this doesnt last any advice
Hi there, sometimes we get stalls as our body goes into starvation mode & clings on tight to its fat stores as it accepts our new eating programme. Sometimes eating more for a few days kick starts things again or the body just accepts the new diet & gives in & lets go of the fat stores.
Upping our activity & fluids also can start things moving again to. I know this is tough an the main thing is to keep sipping those fluids & ensure as much as possible that your protein intake is as high as possible, to do that initially seems as if you are constantly grazing & as you get onto a more normal diet try & return to 3meals a day with perhaps a small snack mid morning & afternoon or a supper. I found & still find that a glass or two of milk at the end of the day ups any flagging protein intake & lines my pouch for the night, adding a scoop or two of either protein powder or just dried milk powder boosts the protein levels of the milk to.
Hope that helps, if your interested several of us who have had our ops at Bournemouth meet monthly at Poole on the first Monday of the month, so will be there on table 29 of the holes bay in Poole. Three of us are meeting for lunch at the half moon in Shaftesbury today Thursday 3rd at 12.30 if you want to join us please feel free, the tables booked in my name Mrs Lee.
Well done penny!! think half pound is brilliant especially over Christmas, I don't think I will have lost anything this week after a loss last week, it really does seem to be falling into a pattern like that now.. Lose a couple of weeks then stall for a week then lose again!!
Hi margo, I'm also from the same area as penny. I wouldn't worry about not losing any weight so early out. It is quite usual to stall for a week or too, but you will start losing again, and whilst you are not losing actual pounds you are probably losing inches, so a good idea to take your measurements and keep checking up on them. But penny has more knowledge than I so will be able to advise you much better, but good luck xx