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What have you lost...an elephants penis?

23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year.

Wow. That's kinda... bizarre XD
I've lost an Irish setter now x
an average adult man + a rack of baby back ribs is what I need to loose.

Looking at it like this has really discusted me, and scared me at the same time. What was I thinking letting myself get this big!! :-(
Yey!! Ive now lost a small bale of hay.. x
Well.. since I started my Journey which was before my surgery - I've lost a total of = 140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year

scary thought.. am only 4lb away from 'the average woman'.. lol..

everyone has blips.. and thankfully - think am over mine for the time being so am aiming to carry on going but dont want a welsh pony.. there'd be nothing left of me..lol..
Such a great great great thread! for once it is nice to be laughing it out it has lighten the mood prior to surgery! thanks very much Tam xxx
Oh yes , indeed-ie! I have now lost that all important elephants willie- and a guinnia pig as well.
Truly never thought I'd say that !!
1lb off a mid size microwave

sounds a bit crap! wanted something more EPIC! :p

5lbs more and a human leg.... better!!
Hi all!

Here is my lot:

1 pound = a Guinea Pig*
2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs*
3 pounds = 2 dozen Krispy Kreme glazed*
4 pounds = an ostrich egg*
5 pounds = a Chihuahua*
8 pounds = a human head*
187 pounds= One average adult man

And working on my goal of one Mr.Schwarzenegger 235 pounds :p:eek:

That was fun! Thanks!! :)
ive lost 92lb and thats the weight of something that weighs 92lb lol sorry ive got nothing to compare it against