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What to believe..?


New Member
Hi - me again... :wave_cry:

Last week i called St Richards to find out how long i had to wait for my next appointment and the lovely lady said that i would get a letter in the next week or two, so that was last Tuesday... as of yet, nothing has come through, although I am aware that it has only been a week. Anyway, due to my being so impatient i decided to call again this morning, just to make sure the story is consistent...

Another lady answered the phone and she said that i was still way off the top, and can only expect a letter around November TIME - the other lady said that i would have my appointment at the latest by early November... WTH?

Ugh i couldn't even argue because when she answered the phone i made out like I hadn't actually spoken to anyone before about it. :cry:I don't know what to do and i think this waiting might actually send me into a nervous breakdown.

Any suggestions? Wait again until next Tuesday and call again, stating that i waited two weeks and nothing has happened, or just keep pestering them.
Oh no! I wouldn't be happy either! I think you should phone again next week and just say you were told you would receive a letter in the next two weeks. Do you know the name of the lady you spoke to? If your lucky again and get the 'nice' lady write down her name, it's always good to be able to back things up with a name as if you speak to someone else you can say well so and so told me I'd receive a letter in two weeks x

The second lady could have just couldn't be bothered to check so just tried to fobb you off. Worst case it will be November so just try and have that in your head now and anything else will be a bonus! X

Hope it's good news next week chick x
Thanks Lumpy, all in all it hasn't been a great day for me!

Hopefully she was just not in the bothered frame of mind and that the postman has some delicious news for me when i get home. Fingers, toes, eyes, legs, arms and hairs all crossed!

I have always found PALS to be a good port of call to get to the bottom of things. May be worth a try ? X
PALS: Patient Advice and Liaison Service
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service is here to provide confidential support, advice and information to patients, relatives and carers about services provided by the NHS.

Telephone 01243 831822 or email PALSChichester@wsht.nhs.uk
If you would prefer to see us in person; the PALS office is based in the main hospital reception area and open during normal office hours.

Hope this helps x
Keep pestering!! I emailed in the end - they dont like paper trails ;) lol xx
Did you email Chichester? Just waiting on a response from PALS and my dietitian said she will call next week as well! Fingers crossed!

I was with St. Mary's.

But the email address for the team was on the website and the names of the coordinators was on there too. So I emailed the coordinators and the team email (all copied into one email) lol. xx

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Well I contacted PALS and they came back to me saying the next appt is scheduled for with the 12th or 19th Dec - and if anything comes open before then they'll contact me! So it's a long wait! But thanks for the advice to contact pals! :)