New Member
Make sure you take a plug in fan. i took just a small travel plugin fan 6 or 7 inch and it was a god send.
I didnt take a breath fresh spray but i wished i had.
I took books but couldnt be assed to read them . they had a tv which i left on 24/7
i took some headphone from home for the tv as the hospital ones are not to well fitting ( they are the normal personal stereo type fitting )
What ever you take make sure you can get at it easy before you have the op as you will be like a octipus with drips when you come out and will have problems reachng stuff.
wont be long now. btw you can take your mobile in hospitals nowdays but they prefur if you only use them for a text.
Make sure you take a plug in fan. i took just a small travel plugin fan 6 or 7 inch and it was a god send.
I didnt take a breath fresh spray but i wished i had.
I took books but couldnt be assed to read them . they had a tv which i left on 24/7
i took some headphone from home for the tv as the hospital ones are not to well fitting ( they are the normal personal stereo type fitting )
What ever you take make sure you can get at it easy before you have the op as you will be like a octipus with drips when you come out and will have problems reachng stuff.