Well-Known Member
@HelenAngelfish , I've put some thought into this lately. And, as I've got a terrible
memory, I've just decided to be open and honest, should anyone ask. Most friends, acquaintances and local people, have seen my weight go up and down over the years....most are aware just by my appearance that i have issues with food. Thats the trouble with food addiction (not saying everyone on here has a food addiction, by the way) it seems to be there for all to see, unlike many other addictions, smoking, drugs, gambling, ect. There is such stigma and shame surrounding WLS.
If someone has a longterm physical disability, they would be offered a physiotherapist, with possible surgery to help them (and with, genuine empathy attached). But should someone put on a lot of weighed, maybe through no fault of their own, because of severe mental health issues, like addiction, childhood neglect, or a host of other factors that may contribute to a person been obese. ( i also feel sugar 'in all its forms' is put into way too much of our supermarket item, that don't require it, but that's another post!) Then we are 'not deserving' of help, we just lack 'will power'.
I believe if your 'overweight' you stand more of a chance of getting to grips with losing the weight and keeping it off ...but only if you've never been 'obese'. Once most people become 'obese' it's almost impossible to lose the weight permenantly! ( well that's what I've read about in some articals online, and on some docu's) Something changes within our bodies....apparently. Something to do with our fat cells.
And thats where i believe WLS, plays an important role in helping treating obesity.
After a very long time ...reading articals, watching docu's, And analizing the pro's & con's to surgery, i feel like it's my best option to sort my obesity problem out. I've got to a stage, im not really bothered who knows. I'd like to think by the time Ive become successful and lost quite a lot of weight ( hopfully ), id have grown confidant enough to ignore any negative people.
And Helen....Well done, on your amazing weight loss
memory, I've just decided to be open and honest, should anyone ask. Most friends, acquaintances and local people, have seen my weight go up and down over the years....most are aware just by my appearance that i have issues with food. Thats the trouble with food addiction (not saying everyone on here has a food addiction, by the way) it seems to be there for all to see, unlike many other addictions, smoking, drugs, gambling, ect. There is such stigma and shame surrounding WLS.
If someone has a longterm physical disability, they would be offered a physiotherapist, with possible surgery to help them (and with, genuine empathy attached). But should someone put on a lot of weighed, maybe through no fault of their own, because of severe mental health issues, like addiction, childhood neglect, or a host of other factors that may contribute to a person been obese. ( i also feel sugar 'in all its forms' is put into way too much of our supermarket item, that don't require it, but that's another post!) Then we are 'not deserving' of help, we just lack 'will power'.
I believe if your 'overweight' you stand more of a chance of getting to grips with losing the weight and keeping it off ...but only if you've never been 'obese'. Once most people become 'obese' it's almost impossible to lose the weight permenantly! ( well that's what I've read about in some articals online, and on some docu's) Something changes within our bodies....apparently. Something to do with our fat cells.
And thats where i believe WLS, plays an important role in helping treating obesity.
After a very long time ...reading articals, watching docu's, And analizing the pro's & con's to surgery, i feel like it's my best option to sort my obesity problem out. I've got to a stage, im not really bothered who knows. I'd like to think by the time Ive become successful and lost quite a lot of weight ( hopfully ), id have grown confidant enough to ignore any negative people.
And Helen....Well done, on your amazing weight loss