I completely agree with Bungle and Isis about food being addictive to some people but being harder to deal with because, whilst you can live without crack, you can't live without food. But added to this there is another problem in that this is an addiction where everybody has tried the pipe, and whilst they can't physically give it up, they can function perfectly normally. Because of this, they cannot comprehend what this addiction means.Hi
As someone else who also works every day with people who have drug & alcohol addiction issues I totally agree with what you are saying about food being akin to this!
Yes, we can live without certain drugs or alcohol but cannot live without food for our bodies but the association and craving can be just as powerful!
Kind Regards,
Because "normal" people function with food the idea that people can spiral out of control is completely alien to many people - even, I am sorry to say - some professionals.
I have not had to see a dietician in the course of my involvement with a bariatric team and, I hope, that the dietician involved in this area would be as sympathetic as all the other people I have met on the team. (All of whom have been great to date) But I have had a few experiences of "non-specialist" dieticians in the past who have not exactly been inspirational.
Without exception, these non-specialists have been unable to cope with someone like me - grossly obese but at the same time highly qualified with a high IQ.
They have quite obviously had their sterotypes of what they accept and someone like me just didn't fit into them - it was so clear that they couldn't get their heads round the idea of a "winner" in a "loser's" body and their whole way of talking to me and "advising" me was condescending to say the least
Socially, food addiction is not generally understood by the public and, in many cases, by the professions (just think of all the horrible stories of attitudes and treatment we have had on here). Anorexia and bulimia are understood because people have known about them for longer but their flip side of gross obesity is not.