Unfortunately I think most of us do get the same hunger signals wether head hunger or genuine physical hunger because nothing has been rerouted.
What happens is the band slows the passage of food down through the pouch and stoma, so the more fill you have in, the tighter the opening and therefore the slower the pouch empties and the slower you can eat as well.
When we have good restriction, if we eat foods that are dense (eg the proteins, veggies and wholemeal carbs etc) that tend to filter down slower, then we feel full on a small amount.
Obviously we don't have any bad side effects physically if we eat high sugar/fat foods so we have to find ways to make the band work with our own particular weaknesses or find healthy substitutes..or just get used to those foods being a once in a while thing rather than a daily thing.
Everyone has different experiences with fills, some need only a little bit and some need to have a lot more volume before we feel the effects.
In the meantime , after the swelling of the op has gone down and the recovery liqiuids and slushies are over with, it can feel like nothing has been altered at all and a lot of banders are shocked at how much they can eat. However, usually even without any fill, the band can have a beneficial restrictive effect anyway...even if it's just making us mindful that it's in there and we eat slowly and more carefully.
We do still have to eat our protein & veg first because at restriction, we can't eat very much and it has to be good nuitritious stuff because we fill up faster and stay full for longer.