Active Member
Hello Okie, I'm a newbie here but wanted to post my condolences to you and your family for the sad loss of Teddy. I'm sure that soon the happy memories of him will replace the the recent painful ones. How fantastic that he had lovely family like you to prevent his suffering and to be with him. You might be familiar with the concept of rainbow bridge but if not: https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm.
Congratulations on your surgery letter - it makes it all more real, and what a civilised time to be there for. Much better than 7am after a 3 hour drive! How long are you to be on your LRD for with L&D? I started mine the day I got my surgery letter but it's 4 weeks LRD with at Royal Derby.
Congratulations on your surgery letter - it makes it all more real, and what a civilised time to be there for. Much better than 7am after a 3 hour drive! How long are you to be on your LRD for with L&D? I started mine the day I got my surgery letter but it's 4 weeks LRD with at Royal Derby.