Lol it will be McDonald's fault. I had school ring my little boy had ear ache. Ahh he was sobbing with it poor lamb. I've been rubbish with food today. I'm doing a big cook tonight n freezing stuff so sorted for the week
When having the balloon added to did anyone have the same sickness feeling as when it was first inserted ? X
I was terrible for the couple of months. The first week I didn't get out of bed unless it was to vomit and ate very little mostly warm milk and tiny amounts of soup with no bits in it. I have lost 3 stone and I'm 4.5 mths in. I lost approx half of that in first 3 weeks it was that bad. The nausea and sickness does settle eventually. I occasionally get nausea but no vomiting now still get reflux and eggy burps though xx I have had balloon put in to reduce my bmi for surgery which hopefully will be in beginning of July xxHello ladies I am newish, been reading for a while. I had my balloon fitted on the 25th of March. I still can't keep anything down and am living on milk at the moment. My dietician is worried and feels if this does not start to settle I have to have it removed. I feel so ill all of the time. My goal given to me was to shift 16kg in 6 months. I have nearly three weeks shifted 11kg. I can't help but think I would have been better going straight for the bypass but my dr wanted to reduce my bmi before even thinking about that. Sorry for the blurb and emotional dumpingx