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Anyone under Luton & Dunstable hopsital

You wont get cancelled again Mr Whitelaw has promised me you won't, its all systems go now :)

You were lucky Bedford2015, it took us 1/2 hour just to get bloods done, were five minutes late for app. with nurse, then she did two if us together, both apps. were for 4 pm.

All done and dusted, who's getting nervous? MEEEE
Hello all , had my date thru for last minute cancelled Op , Friday 10th of April ........and theyv promised me it will go ahead this time , by then il have been on liquid pre-op diet for 5 weeks , hopefully more weight lost . At this rate I wont need the Op .
I'm nervous as hell!! I keep thinking maybe this time I could diet and stick to it and wouldn't need surgery then my head kicks in and says in my whole life ive been obese I need to shut up and man up lol!!! My children keep saying but mum what will you be able to eat? What if you can't eat ice cream lol!! Silly little sausages lol xxx
Claudia chill it will be fine, I feel great, just board silly, you do need this for you!!!!! Think of how fit and healthy you will be in the long run, you need this for you and the horses, am sure they will appreciate having a skinny you on there backs, I have had no problems so man up, you will be fine, and i will be there to keep you going. :)
We all have doubts but just remember that this is something you are doing for you, not many of us do things to help ourselves, we are usually to busy looking after others, this is something that your doing to help you and you all deserve it.
Hey, yeah I'm good thank you! I'm still struggling to get 5 to 6 meals down me but slowly building it up. The pain has subsided and able to move about a bit more! How about you? Xx
I am really good thanks, not having any problems, not as windy now thank god but all is good, glad your doing well, keep sipping :)
I am loving the tomato and the chicken soups mixed up with the milk they are yummy lol yeah I'm not windy anymore either which is a good thing lol glad your getting on well :) xx
Had my pre op appointment last week. Wasnt too bad: with dietician, nurse, pre op and bloods it was a couple of hours in total.

Went back on milk diet 1st April... as op is 15th. I had one last take away on 31st but really couldnt each much. I done 4 weeks on milk diet including whilst I was on holiday in Italy and lost 26lbs... I was really chuffed. Got more bovril and sf jelly today... along with Easter goodies for my neices and nephews...

Everyone keeps asking if I am nervous but I havent had time to think about it. Im so busy with work and they make me make up all the hours Ive missed for appointments... Ive told my boss the op is 14th as I feel I need a day to chill before going up to Luton... bit cheeky but got to be selfish hahaha...

I brought loads of vitamins recently but just realised they will be no good post op...

What have people done about normal medication after surgery? They said about grinding them down and having with yoghurt but that sounds a bit grim lol...

My post op appointment came through but is 8 weeks after surgery. I thought it was 6 weeks... should I check its correct??

Glad all is going well xbander and Toni.... and hope everyone elses goes as planned
Hello Luluah , well done for your weight loss , you done really well , You said folk ask you if your nervous , well let me put your mind at ease , I was due to have surgery on 23rd March , went to hospital on appointed day , the staff from the off were fantastic , so friendly so helpful , I went all thru the process of getting a hospital gown n stockings on , name tags on , chat with anesithetist , everything , even taking to waiting area outside theatres ready to be put under , however at the last moment Op was cancelled as they didnt have a bed for me in high dependency ward as I have bad lungs ......im now down to have Op on 10 th April ,.......from walking in the door right to the last minute cancellation , there really was nothing to worry about , the staff were great and iv been more nervous waiting at the dentists
Hello Luluah , well done for your weight loss , you done really well , You said folk ask you if your nervous , well let me put your mind at ease , I was due to have surgery on 23rd March , went to hospital on appointed day , the staff from the off were fantastic , so friendly so helpful , I went all thru the process of getting a hospital gown n stockings on , name tags on , chat with anesithetist , everything , even taking to waiting area outside theatres ready to be put under , however at the last moment Op was cancelled as they didnt have a bed for me in high dependency ward as I have bad lungs ......im now down to have Op on 10 th April ,.......from walking in the door right to the last minute cancellation , there really was nothing to worry about , the staff were great and iv been more nervous waiting at the dentists

Aw thanks. Thats good to know.

I think its because I know I need this to improve my health. I am more excited than nervous.... but i have got a feeling that will change nearer the time.

I have a list of what I want to achieve... obviously weight loss is number one but its other things that weight loss will help me with.... including decreasing risks of current health problems. Right through to silly things like buying clothes in a regular shop or not having to ask for a seat belt extender on a plane.... the funniest one is to go on a rollercoaster as at the moment I won't attempt it incase I dont fit in the strap....

10th April is my dads birthday so its a good date..heeeehe...Im sure it will go well. Will be thinking of you and monkey heeehe...

Anyone know what we will need other than pjs, dressing gown and general soap stuff.

Xbander/Toni - do you feel rough after the aneasthetic or do you think ill need some magazines or my tablet to keep me occupied??
What are visiting hours? Ive got my parents and hubby staying in a Luton hotel for the time Im there..
Morning, I felt tired because of the morphine more than anything, you won't need anything the day of your op but maybe take it for the following day, as you may not be released until the evening if they are waiting for meds! Visiting hours are something like half 3 till half 5 and then half 7 till half 9 I believe but don't hold me to that I was quiet out of it. Hope this helps! Xx
I also slept most of the op day, but was up and about the following day, everyone was wonderful and there is nothing to be nervous about, i had very little pain either, just one tip sip your water through a straw with small sips, all went plain sailing.