Hi guys does anyone know how tranquil is doing?
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Hi Laren, I am doing well still very sore but managed to go for a short 5 minute walk today. I took on board Stacey tips and managed to drink 1.5 litres of water today, i had low fat yoghurt with honey for breakfast and I made leak and potato soup which I had for lunch and dinner plus one cup of black coffee. The sickness and nausea has gone, but it is quite painful when I cough and OMG I sneezed today and that really hurt. Not sure if what I am having is sufficient regarding protein intake but I am going to continue the same for the next few days.how is everyone else going?
You will be fine, it is very rare that they don't go through with the operation and you have been doing so well with the pre op diet. Sending you positive thoughts and before you know Saturday will be here![/QUOTE
Thank you, I just think it's all the nerves and excitement coming together, it does funny things to your mind!
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Sorry if it's tmi.... But has anyone had funny periods. My period has always been regular but since loosing two stone between one cycle to the next. It has become much heavier and longer then it usually is and the cramping seems to be worse it's not dreadful just like a really dull ache in my back... Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
Hi Laren, I am doing well still very sore but managed to go for a short 5 minute walk today. I took on board Stacey tips and managed to drink 1.5 litres of water today, i had low fat yoghurt with honey for breakfast and I made leak and potato soup which I had for lunch and dinner plus one cup of black coffee. The sickness and nausea has gone, but it is quite painful when I cough and OMG I sneezed today and that really hurt. Not sure if what I am having is sufficient regarding protein intake but I am going to continue the same for the next few days.how is everyone else going?
Lauren mines just started this week, normally v heavy for first couple days..but seems less and cramp is a dull ache... I'm hoping it goes quickly! Mines used to be like that and I could only get real relief if used a hot water bottle with my back xx
I just hope it's gone before Saturday!! Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
I just hope it's gone before Saturday!!
Thanks everyone! I'm actually very excited today rather than nervous. It has just become real though as I got a lovely gift and card from the family I Nanny for. Which was lovely and just reassured me that they really are supportive of my decision! They have been so good in terms of time off for the op and appointments! Thank The Lord my TOTM seems to have gone! I'll keep you all posted on how I get on and once again thanks for the wishes!! Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
Good luck chick! I am so excited for you!! It is lovely when you have supportive people around you. See you on the losers benchXxxx[/QUOTE
Defiantly can't wait to get on that bench!! How are you feeling? X
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