Hello everyone!
Thank you for your good wishes and thoughts.
Im sorry I didnt come in yesterday- I decided not to take my laptop and I just couldnt be typing out loads of stuff in here on my phone. It was bad enough with my bessie on Facebook messages. Handy I did that though as I have lots to refer back to on how I felt at the time!
Well, Im officially on the loser's bench.

I am writing my day up because when I first got here, this is what I wanted to know. I hope its helpful to somebody in the future!
Dr Smellie was an absolute diamond. They call him "old school", as if thats a bit tedious but to me it was a pleasure to hear. No rushing, steady work, very precise.. I think he takes much longer to do the op and he also insists on the DVT injections afterwards, and a dry band (possibly not such a great thing for fast weight loss at the beginning but better in the long run he says). He also teaches surgeons the techniques, which gave me a lot of confidence in him. He left me pre op saying that he does this op, because it works. And I believe him

Such a difference from the consultation with the first surgeon- (one a lot of people here like), who rushed me through and made me feel a pathetic stupid vain woman wasting his time on a sunday afternoon!
Karen was my nurse who took me in and got me acclimatised. If you get Karen you are in safe, caring hands. I had her on and off, and loved her to bits. The others were fine, and did their job well and everything .. but not like Karen
I was second in, not first, as a lady had come down the night before. So the machinery and gloved hands were all nicely warmed up for me at about 9.30am.
Walking into the operating room and getting on the table was indeed the most daunting part of the day.. I felt like a sacrifice. Most horrid. But literally within seconds of being on it, I was out, and woke up a size ten!
Well ok, not really.
I woke up for seconds, and then woke up again two hours later in my bedroom.
I texted that I was alive to my hubby, big sis and bessie and that was enough effort to put me back to sleep for another hour. About 11am they put me on an oxygen mask, as something was low.. not sure what! And that came off about 2pm
I had a wander around the room, then slept again for two hours straight.
In fact, if it wasnt for the wind, I would have slept all day and been most comfortable. The nurses checked on me every half an hour and brought me drinks. The cuppa-soup tasted like heaven! How mad. Not even a thought about food. I think a lot about feeling hungry is your surroundings and expectations. These are food habits that simply need to be broken in my case.
Anyway, back to the wind.... Oh My Days!
The pain of the op was negligible, still is really, considering what I have had done. I havent taken any pain relief yet and probably wont. Just sleeping, walking, sleeping, walking.
But the WIND!
If I had a needle, I'd have pricked my tummy and shoot around the room like a deflating balloon. Take peppermint antacid in with you. I didnt, although I bought some for home.. I think I presumed you'd get given it.
I also took in Arnica30, which you take two of every two hours for first six doses, and then four times a day after that. This helps with bruising.
Im now also taking one acidophilus 5million, crushed up tablet for gut bacteria health.. thats the equivalent of 8 yoghurts in one tiny tablet.
All you can do with the wind really is move around. And sleep. And remember it passes, eventually.. quite literally!
On a baser note when discussing with my friend on FB, the wind moving to my shoulder, that maybe making armpit trumping sounds might get the wind out.
Mr Smellie came by and told me I had been a very straight forward and smooth case, helped a lot by my lack of gall bladder (removed in 2004) and my lovely liver which was not fatty at all. Always nice to know! He told me to be kind to my band, and if I treated it well, and it would work for me. Sage guy, Mr Smellie. I really like him!
Toward the end of the afternoon I started getting a very sore throat and feeling nauseous. Once Karen heard that she had the doc straight in- I hadnt seem him until then, but he is there, just in case, at all times, I now realised. He gave me something in a drip to take away the nausea and I felt heaps better- dont be shy to ask. I asked for gripe water to and one nurse said they didnt have anything for wind, and the next nurse brought me some in seconds! (moral: If dad says no, ask mum!)
I was released about 8pm, and hubby came and picked me up, still in pjs and dressing gown (yes I have no shame), and popped me back to bed. He made me comfy, brought me all my bits, medicines and drinks, and then (bless him) rubbed my back for about twenty minutes to try and wind me. Ah love him! Hilariously it was he that burped first, but it worked a little for me too, and finally the air seems to know where to shift.. hallelujah!
Well thats me over and out. For now. I need another nap I think!