im 15st 13lb.... want to be 13st 13lb by christmas 2012
not sure how put myself on the list lol
I will join too........ Start weight: 24st 4lbs Goal for Christmas: 22st 7lb
blueeyes: Start 19st, Goal: 15st.
Miss Tickle: Start: 13st 4lbs. Goal: 11st 4lbs
Melissa76: Start: 17st 12 lbs. Goal: 15st 12Ibs
Kirstyd : Start: 13st Goal: 11st
Queenofbelfastcity : Start: 18st 3lbs. Goal 16st 3lb
lamornamiss 10st 2lb. Goal 10st or under
LucretiaUK Start: 28st. Goal: 26st
tracyt84: start 17st 13lb goal by xmas 15st
Huracaneal: start:16st 8lbs .Goal 14 stone 12lbs
Jcoco: Start: 18 st 1 lb. Goal: 15 st by Christmas.
Suzie290304: Start 11.3 Goal: would like to be 10 stone and maintaining
Shana: Start: 12st 13lbs Goal 11st
Vickylou: start 16st 8lbs goal : 13's somewhere
Flutterby1966: maintaining between 10st12lbs and 11st2lbs
goofy07: Start 26st 11lb goal by xmas 20st 11lb
Nanny Og: Start 13st 9lb goal: 10st 9lb by Christmas
Inneedofhelp: start 20st 12lb. 17st 12lb or less.
Bella'sBand: Start: 18st 4lbs goal 14st 0lbs
LouisaL: start 24st 3lbs xmas goal 20st 7lbs
L0ckerz: Start 17.9lbs, Xmas goal: 14st.
Dinkydink Start 194lbs Xmas goal 166lbs!
Vonone Start 14st 8lb Xmas Goal - anything in the 12's
Caroline4013 start 19stone Xmas goal 15 stone.
Snack start 14st 11lb Xmas goal 12 stone
Shelleymarie start 21st 5lb Xmas goal 18st 7lb
Bellydancer57: Start 23 1/2 stones Xmas Goal: 14 stones
Wannabeminime start 19st 7lb goal 15st
Meggie moo Start 16st 3lb Xmas Goal 14st 7lb (being banded 27th Sept)
Brollie start 23st 2lbs....xmas goal under 20st
Chrisa start 15st 10 want to be in the 14's by Christmas
Sararob23 start 21st 2lb Xmas goal 19st
Chrissy100 Start: 24st 4lbs Goal by Xmas: 22st 7lb
Sam vann Start 15st 13lbs Xmas goal 13st 13lbs
im 15st 13lb.... want to be 13st 13lb by christmas 2012
not sure how put myself on the list lol
1st Christmas goal week check in ~ 60 goal 3lbs down57lbs to go Woo hoo!
2nd Christmas goal week check in ~ 60 goal 3lbs upstill 60lbs to go Boo hoo!
3rd Christmas goal week check in ~ 60 goal 3lbs downagain 57lbs to go Woo hoo!
4th Christmas goal week check in ~ 60 goal 3lbs down54lbs to go Woo hoo!
blueeyes: Start 19st, Goal: 15st.
Miss Tickle: Start: 13st 4lbs. Goal: 11st 4lbs
Melissa76: Start: 17st 12 lbs. Goal: 15st 12Ibs
Kirstyd : Start: 13st Goal: 11st
Queenofbelfastcity : Start: 18st 3lbs. Goal 16st 3lb
lamornamiss 10st 2lb. Goal 10st or under
LucretiaUK Start: 28st. Goal: 26st
tracyt84: start 17st 13lb goal by xmas 15st
Huracaneal: start:16st 8lbs .Goal 14 stone 12lbs
Jcoco: Start: 18 st 1 lb. Goal: 15 st by Christmas.
Suzie290304: Start 11.3 Goal: would like to be 10 stone and maintaining
Shana: Start: 12st 13lbs Goal 11st
Vickylou: start 16st 8lbs goal : 13's somewhere
Flutterby1966: maintaining between 10st12lbs and 11st2lbs
goofy07: Start 26st 11lb goal by xmas 20st 11lb
Nanny Og: Start 13st 9lb goal: 10st 9lb by Christmas
Inneedofhelp: start 20st 12lb. 17st 12lb or less.
Bella'sBand: Start: 18st 4lbs goal 14st 0lbs
LouisaL: start 24st 3lbs xmas goal 20st 7lbs
L0ckerz: Start 17.9lbs, Xmas goal: 14st.
Dinkydink Start 194lbs Xmas goal 166lbs!
Vonone Start 14st 8lb Xmas Goal - anything in the 12's
Caroline4013 start 19stone Xmas goal 15 stone.
Snack start 14st 11lb Xmas goal 12 stone
Shelleymarie start 21st 5lb Xmas goal 18st 7lb
Bellydancer57: Start 23 1/2 stones Xmas Goal: 14 stones
Wannabeminime start 19st 7lb goal 15st
Meggie moo Start 16st 3lb Xmas Goal 14st 7lb (being banded 27th Sept)
Brollie start 23st 2lbs....xmas goal under 20st
Chrisa start 15st 10 want to be in the 14's by Christmas
Sararob23 start 21st 2lb Xmas goal 19st
Chrissy100 Start: 24st 4lbs Goal by Xmas: 22st 7lb
Sam vann Start 15st 13lbs Xmas goal 13st 13lbs
Dotty dalmation 18 stone Xmas goal 16stone
10 stone 2 is really skinny for your height I bet !! Mr Mizra told me my body would decide my final weight. i was none too pleased as it might likestaying a tubster !!Looks like my body likes 10st 2lbs
I have stuck around that weight since May