I got dropped off and stayed myself. Brought newspaper and a book with me, as well as my iPhone so I could stay in touch with the world. Staff are all very nice and more than helpful. They were keen to know more about my surgery and how it would change my eating habits etc...Did u guys have someone atay with u til yous went to theatre? My partner is just dropping me off he has no intentions of staying with me, feel a bit sorry for myself haha x
You will be grand. It's only natural to be anxious. I was the same but then I remembered why I was having surgery and what I wanted to achieve and got that positive thought to the fore of my thoughts.Just me being a wee wimp then hahanerves r def kicking in ... 5 more sleeps eeek x
Hi Donna I'm on puréed diet until Wednesday and then go on soft mushy diet. Can't wait, although this puréed isn't too bad. What surgery did u have?Are you looking forward to moving on to the pureed diet soon? I started it today as I am 14 days post op, couldn't manage to eat much, felt like too much efford!
I just purée normal dinners. Today I puréed beef casserole, potato, carrots and parsnip and mixed with gravy . I have enough left for tomorrow's dinner. I take a ramekin dish portion per meal. I have also puréed baked white fish, potato, veg and parsley sauce. I enjoyed this. Mince, carrots, onions and potato is another favourite. The texture I aim for is the same texture as stewed apples, which I have also eaten.Hi Corgi7 I had a band fitted on 5th January, finished my two week liquid diet yesterday, which I enjoyed, weight is coming off steadily and today is my first pureed food, so far each meal I've managed only about a tablespoon of food, I am hoping it gets better as I am now having less calories than the fluid diet. Any recommendations on nice pureed food to eat?