New Member
Only one week to go before I get my balloon. Does anybody have any tips on what to eat during the soft food stage? The directions at my hospital seem to be 3 days liquid, semi-solids day 4-7 and then introducing solid foods from day 8.
I have a feeling I'm going to be one of the people who will be severely nauseous for quite some time so want to stock up a week's supply of food since I doubt I'll be in a position to go grocery shopping!Other than yoghurt, thicker soups and porridge, what should I get?
Hi tilli
Good luck next week! So exciting!!!!
I was on tea and cuppa soups and jelly for the first while! I'm not supposed to have dairy but I think I did have a few yogurts!!!
I was on soft foods for the ten days ad far as I can remember!
Then after that I was grand. But I had got sick quite a few times on day 1 that I refused to push it from there on coz I dispise getting sick and will swallow it down rather than allow it back up!!!!
I don't eat much carbs so I didn't have porridge, instead I had protein shakes made on water.
The only thing that effected my balloon has been pushing the amount of water I drink! I get pains from that!
I have not heard of the coke cleaning the balloon!!! I do drink caffeine free diet coke! Can't have caffeine or dairy!!!
Had a potatoe yesterday for dinner! Couldn't enjoy it at all!!! It way yuck! Lol!
Wish I could be turned of chocholate!!!!!
carol b