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I've been feeling really dizzy over the last couple of days. I had a bad cold at the end of last week, i wonder if its left over from that, or related to my sleeve? I take my vits daily and try to keep my protein levels up. The only different medication i have taken this week is dulcolax on Sunday. Also i have been slowly coming off antidepressants over the last 3 weeks. I stopped them altogther (by then i was on a very low dose)on Wednesday last week. Which do you think is responsible?
Could be because you haven't been eating/drinking enough as you've been ill. Or it could be low BP or low iron?
hi becky well i know theres a virus going round with flu like symptoms sickness and dizzyness .which i have just caught of my youngest not got the sickness tho hope i dont either but maybe thats what uve got hope this helps x
Could be because you haven't been eating/drinking enough as you've been ill. Or it could be low BP or low iron?

I've been eating 1000 cals, same as usual really, some days more, some less, i drink a reasonable amount but could do with drinking more! BP has always been low, maybe that i guess, i doubt its iron as i take my forceval religiously. Thanks! xx
hi becky well i know theres a virus going round with flu like symptoms sickness and dizzyness .which i have just caught of my youngest not got the sickness tho hope i dont either but maybe thats what uve got hope this helps x

Hi Audra, i had a bug at the end of last week, heavy cold but no vomiting, i feel ok now apart from the dizziness, could be a different bug i guess! xx
I've been eating 1000 cals, same as usual really, some days more, some less, i drink a reasonable amount but could do with drinking more! BP has always been low, maybe that i guess, i doubt its iron as i take my forceval religiously. Thanks! xx

Your iron can still be low regardless of forceval.
You sure its not the diet packs Becky?
I've been feeling really dizzy over the last couple of days. I had a bad cold at the end of last week, i wonder if its left over from that, or related to my sleeve? I take my vits daily and try to keep my protein levels up. The only different medication i have taken this week is dulcolax on Sunday. Also i have been slowly coming off antidepressants over the last 3 weeks. I stopped them altogther (by then i was on a very low dose)on Wednesday last week. Which do you think is responsible?

I had dizziness when I came off a low dose. It's a chemical reaction as I understand. I'd say this could be it.

Anna x.

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If I forget to take my anti D I get dizzy and also headache. Not until the 2nd day, but maybe the cause for you too. :(
You may be best getting it checked. I get dizzy a lot and my dr is running all sorts of tests to try and find out what it is. She has ruled out blood pressure and tablets so is now checking for cardio problems.

Of course it could simply be not eating enough food or not eating regularly which I think is what the doctor will put mine down to if the 24 hr tape is clear.