Hi Georgie hun so sorry only just caught this message, i do hope your feeling better today

As Trevelyan says the surgeons have done a fantastic job in fixing our tums, but the hardest part is fixing our heads, how can we possibly be cured in so little time.......... its such a huge learning curve and can only be take one day at a time, dealing with every issue as it comes our way. I hope the grotty feelings didn't last too long, although i'm guessing the beating yourself up lasted a whole while longer. NOW lesson learned and i'm sure it won't be happening again anytime soon, i'm guessing the dumping is a great deterrent too. Next time you get those old feeling which send your straight to the fridge feel free to come here and seek some advise or comfort hun, i'm never far away, and am happy to listen anytime

Today is another day, the sun is shining. I hope you have well and truly put this experience behind you and whats past is past

forget it and move forwards huge huge hugs x x x x