Good luck peeps! will be thinking of you and eagerly awaiting your first post op responses.:jelous:
Oh gl Laurahope all goes well will be waiting to hear.
2nd are you off tonight or first thing?
Might not be able to get a signal but if anyone wishes to text me my mobile is ######## . I won't have visitors so a text will be so welcomeespecially if signal is naff.
previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Thanks everyone. Feeling. Little nervous and dare I say tearful. Just packing by bag. Was on the ward earlier today gettin booked in, sign consent forms etc and they gave me a fragmin injection then fingers crossed I can sleep tonight. Back to hospital tomorrow morning 8am. I've been told in first on the theatre list so op scheduled for 8:30am :O xxx good luck to the other who are in over the next few days also I will be thinking of you!! Don't get internet signal at hosp so I'll catch everyone's updates when I get to the other sidexx