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Finally - I'm starting to get excited


New Member
After waiting 15 weeks, I'm off tomorrow to get my first fill!!

Having put on 11lbs, I'm really looking forward to the help.

My question is - do you feel the restriction straight away or does it take a few days to 'kick in'? and do you notice it just by how little you can eat or ???

Thanks x
You should feel it straightaway - in fact you won't be allowed to leave the hospital until you've demonstrated you can get water down you and keep it down. This will prove it's not too tight. You'll be on fluids only for up to a week, then on puree / soft for the week after that. (NHS are a lot more strict than private)

My first fill didn't really help, to be honest, it's only with my second fill 8 months down the line when I can truly say I am restricted. With true restriction you have to eat tiny mouthfuls of well-chewed food, otherwise it will get stuck and you have to sick it back up to stop the pain. You soon learn!

Only certain types of food - with firm texture - are good for bands. Sloppy food - porridge, ice cream, soup, curry, all goes through your pouch no problem, so avoid those types of food if poss as it's so easy to overeat. Follow the food lists provided, and you won't go far wrong.

Good luck - you'll feel a sharp scratch, but no pain at all.
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Don't expect miracles from your first fill...
my first fill hasnt done anything really,roll on the 2nd fill next week im starving!xx
I'm back and filled with ....... wait for it ...... a huge 0.5ml,
I was expecting more??
Fluids for the rest of the day (great soup in this weather) and then puree for tomorrow, back to normal after that, but eating less hopefully!!
Hi Gnomes, How much do you have in your band in total? Surely they did not just put .5 in an empty band? I have read so many banders who had surery in May, June and July and all seem to be stuck at 19,20,21 lbs? I feel its like a kryptonite barrier, get band, hit 20's and stay put for several weeks after. WHY IS THIS? I am seeing it so many times over and over Mimi, Lola, etc is it a 20 pound curse LOL :D
Well I am hoping your weight loss starts to speed up soon. It is funny because before I got the band all I seen was people loosing 3-4 lbs a week but now I have had it all I see is people stuck at 20lbs down and going nowhere :( What gives????
Hi Bella's band

No you did read that correctly, I only have .5ml put into my band for the first fill.
and like you I was loosing more weight regularly before my band and since then I have been putting on!!
Hi Gnomes :eek: that is crazy :eek: 0.5ml in an empty band :eek: I can't get over that!
I have a 14ml band and last week I put on 1lb also. If all I get is 0.5ml fills it will be over a year before I get any restriction :mad:
It's crazy because some people have several mls put in right away. I know Mimi had 4mls in a 10ml band on her day of surgery, yet you have a 0.5ml fill weeks out? Wow that is a huge surprise to me well more of a shock really.
And I think Flutterby said her first fill was 7mls in a 14ml band. It is rather strange how it is so varied from person to person.
Which clinic are you with? Is it the Hopsital group? NHS? Sorry hope you do not mine my being nosy you do not need to answer ;)
Ah just read NHS duh! Me...
You waited 15 weeks to get 0.5mls? How long did they say you will have to wait for another fill? Do you have a 10ml band?
You make me laugh!!

I do have a 10 ml band and my next app (if the don't rearrange again, they have done 5 previous times) is 21st Aug. I too was surprised on how little they put in but apparently this is normal for Mr Sufi??!!!