Not so sunny today Fee! And the snow yesterday??
I completely agree with you both on reflection, reading it makes it sort of more real if that makes sense. If I had read that on someone else's post I'd have said get checked out pronto! And so I will, I need to see the doc anyway for blood results so will mention it then. I feel back to 100% now, no shoulder pain or anything, but happened and it must have happened for a reason.
I have been holiday shopping today. I hate clothes shopping usually but I had a spring in my step today for some reason. I can just about get away with the plain, stretchy t-shirts and vests in primark so picked up a few of those, some canvas converse style pumps and a couple other bits and bats. Popped along to Asda living and again got a couple of printed vests and some trainers for my 9yo son. I got some lovely cotton trousers (think the name for them is Palazzo Pants?) in Asda supermarket yesterday - they were £10 and they are soooooo comfy!! I wish they'd have had my size in the others too because they really are lovely. We're going to Florida so anything to keep a chunk like me cool but covered is a winner!

Speaking of the holiday, its 4 and half weeks away and honestly I don't know whether I'm excited or not. It has cost a lot of money and it will be amazing for the kids. We will only be going to Florida this once and I'm already thinking about whether I'll fit on the rides at Walt Disney World and how comfortable to the flight might (not?) be. I'm more nervous and already embarrassed about having to ask for a seatbelt extender. It's not the end of the world and I won't let it spoil the holiday on a whole, just bits that if I was slimmer, if I'd had the surgery years ago like I originally planned, I'd be a whole lot more excited.
Ah well, that was a bit moany wasn't it? Sorry, I'm not normally a moaner but I do like to get things off my chest - what's the point in bottling things up? They just ferment and fester and before you know it they're a massive heavy weight that brings you down and keeps you down.
In other, happier news. It was my husbands grandmas birthday today! I don't pop over to see her enough but I went today with some flowers and a card and it was so lovely! She cried when I walked in. There were members of his family there that I hadn't seen for years! I did sort of gatecrash a party they were throwing though.

They hadn't invited me as they thought I was working. My husband couldn't go either as he is snowed under at work, the end of the month is always the same. He'll probably have to go in this weekend too - boo!

He facetimed me while I was there and wished his grandma happy birthday and made her cry agin! His cousin had put a special photo slideshow on a dvd as a birthday gift and that made us all cry.
It's been a day of happy tears.
Oh, and I got told by a stranger that I have a nice face. Thanks mate! Just literally said it to me as he walked by. I was a bit bewildered at first but figured even if he was being sarcastic (he didn't sound it), it still made me smile.
Right, I'd better get ready for work. I've showered but my hair is still dripping wet so I'm a hot mess right now.
Have a zippidy-doo-dah day xxxx