Happy weekend-eve everyone!!
What a busy week, bank holiday Monday then school trip for my son on Tuesday, normal school day Wednesday and then polling day yesterday so another day off school and the wardrobe fitters swung by just before we were about to leave the house!
These bloody wardrobe fitters are going to get my toe end where they really don't want it if they carry on being unreliable and unprofessional.

Three times they've been here now. First for the original fitting back in January when he fitted all the doors wonky, cut the doors at the wrong angle (they're in the eaves on the attic floor) and cracked the mirrors. He then came back to measure up and said yep no probs, easy fix.

So he re-ordered the doors a month ago and came to fit them yesterday - now the doors are wobbly and the mirrors are duct taped on (I mean come on!) and are still cracked. I'm so sick of him, wish the developers would sack him and be done then get an actual professional to come and do the job! We certainly wouldn't put up with this if we'd booked him, he turns up when he wants, sometimes if you're expecting him he'll call 10 mins before and say his windscreen wiper has broken or he's broken down on the motorway. And he turns up in a van that's painted up for car repairs rather than advertising his fitting business. Something just not right about him.
Anyway. That's my head on brick wall rant over, being so tired doesn't help, I'm easily wound up on Thursdays and Fridays!
All in all an busy but unproductive week. Today I'm mostly knackered so I'm off back to bed when I've posted this update
In wls news, I got a call yesterday to triage me into the weight management system so she asked a few question re diabetes and what I'm doing to lose weight, am I trying to lose weight right now - which I replied I am CONSTANTLY trying to lose weight! It's true, I've been on a diet basically since I was 14 with small breaks inbetween when I was having babies. Of course this is the time to watch what you're eating - I put sooooo much weight on with each of my 3 babies because I was of the opinion that "I'm pregnant, I can have what I want. It's the rooools!"
So I felt good knowing I was in the system and she said it would be a 4-6 week wait for an appointment with the consultant, which I said was fine as I'll be on holiday in 4 weeks anyway so it shouldn't drag.
I then get a call this morning telling me I have an appointment next Thursday with the consultant at 10:45 to talk about enrolling me into the programme, would this be the Tier 3 I hear people talking about?
Really made my morning a bit better but now I'm worried that the weight management programme will start when I'm away so I'll miss some of it, guess I'll have that conversation with him next week though.
I was going to record a food diary on here but there are some days where I just don't get time to log on so I think I'd better stick with paper, I could still type it up onto here. I'd like to look back on here when I'm post op to see how much I used to eat.
Righty-oh my lovelies, I need to sleep. I've had only 8 hours sleep in 2 nights due to the shifts I work and school/children alarm clock mornings.
Love to all, sorry for my rant earlier.
I probably won't be on next couple of days so wishing all of you a lovely weekend!!
Kaye xxx