Good afternoon everyone! This could be a long post so apologies in advance.
My appointment with the consultant was brilliant! I honestly could not have wished it go any better.
Here are the ins and outs.
I got there 15 minutes before my appointment and was called straight in by the nurse to be weighed and she checked my height.
Sent back to waiting room where I sat down for 2 seconds (not exaggerating) and was called through to consultant! It was the same consultant I had seen back in 2012 and he remembered me, although it also meant he had my notes from back then too and it was hard to see how much worse I've gotten since then, my walking ability especially.
Anyway, we chatted about why my journey had led here again and I was very blunt in my answers, I figured there's just no point in sugar coating things. I told him:
I don't want to have a heart attack in my thirties.
I don't want my kids to grow up without a Mummy.
I don't want diabetes.
I don't want sore knees.
do want to take my children swimming.
do want to go for long country walks with my family and our dog.
do want to walk more than 100m without feeling like there's an elephant sat on my chest and my heart thumping in my ears.
And I
do want to go running and to the gym.
And find a sodding pair of wellies that fit my calves. Ok I didn't say that bit but it is relevant as the woods we go walking is always so muddy, no matter what season you go in. My converse used to be baby blue, now they're muddy brown. <sob> This list is by no means complete, there are many things I hate about being unhealthy and huge and many more things that I'm looking forward to doing/experiencing when I'm healthy and slim.
He listened to all this and said nothing apart from, yes. He asked about my husband, his illness (Crohns Disease) and whether he is overweight (he is). Apparently I've got to tell him off as we need to support eachother now. He said we've fallen into bad habits as many people do when they marry and get comfortable. I completely agreed, between getting settled down and experiencing 3 successful pregnancies I ballooned.
He said I was very lucky not to have had a heart attack already as my heart is under so much pressure.

That wasn't nice to hear but totally necessary. I've been thinking the same thing anyway and I'm only 31. I literally struggle to walk from one side of the hospital carpark to the other and it isn't a massive carpark. When I walked into the reception I was sweaty and my heart was beating so fast you'd think I'd run a marathon (I wish). And my legs and thighs were just groaning at me. My knees can't cope and my thighs do
not rub along nicely. They just rub and it hurts. I do think my husband struggles to understand this part, he knows I'm big but he doesn't realise how unfit I am along with it.
Right, back to my consultant. He had a feel of my tummy and sides (not sure why) and listened to my heart.
We talked about my mum for a little bit as she had a gastric bypass which she did super well with until she remarried and moved away. The change in lifestyle meant she is now as big (if not a little bigger

) than she was pre-op.
He really opened my eyes but he was so positive about everything. I truly believe I'm in good hands here. He says he will support me the whole way through surgery and beyond. He said the funding is £10,000.00 and he will support that no problem. He said we will all work as a team, me, my husband, him, the dietician, the physiotherapist... I just have to prove that I'm on board by losing 5% of my body weight through to process which is 15lbs. I'm sure I can do that, we can make these changes happen. Really feeling hopeful today that I'm regaining my life a little.
Nothing else has worked for me, I have proven time and time again that I can't do this on my own and now I really feel like I've got a team behind me that wants me to be healthy.
I cried a little in his office too, everything was so
real and very eye-openingly scary. He was talking about the pain my children would carry through life if they lost their Mummy early. What scars I inflict on them by saying I'm always on a diet. What image I portray to them when I'm weighing myself every morning.
I cried because he's totally and completely right. I do weigh myself every morning. I do tell my children that I'm overweight and try to explain why we eat healthy to avoid them getting my problems. I thought I was helping them but in actual fact my 11 year old daughter told me a few days ago that she's on a diet because she's put on 5lbs in a month.

I would never ever wish on her the body shame that I grew up with so we need to nip this in the bud now. How did I let myself give that picture to her? I hate what I've unintentionally done but it all stops.
The consultant said not to make any quick changes but rather gradual. That way the kids will just go with the flow and it will become their new normal. We are to only have 2 pieces of fruit per day to avoid sugar overload and also 5 portions of vegetables. We are good that we manage that most days but we have definitely been eating too much fruit! I can happily sit there with a tub of grapes and nibble the lot through a shift at work. And cherry tomatoes for that matter. I never thought this would be bad thing but these should be easy changes to make. They are still definitely better options than a tub of haribo or gfamily bag of cherry vimto bonbons.
Trickier changes will be switching out their favourite cereal (Kelloggs Frozen, Star Wars or Avengers cereal) for something better/healthier. I may search pinterest for interesting healthy breakfast ideas. Switching out their treat snacks which would normally be either a mini pack of oreos or similar, cereal bar, frubes yoghurt tube etc for something better. Or should I keep them just for treats? Once in a while won't hurt them. The yoghurt tubes I don't really mind, well, I might look for a lower sugar one perhaps. They do eat lots of fruit so they don't
only eat these sugary treats although they do have one a day, every day. Sometimes more if it's a weekend depending on where we are as we may get them an ice cream or dessert in a restaurant etc.
Well that was a bit long! Sorry about that.
Bottom line is there are changes to be made but exciting things on the horizon.
I can do this. We can do this.
Much love to all of you,
Kaye xxx