Shrinking For Sophie
Hi Ceecie so glad to hear you are feeling a bit better
I'm okay having had my b12 last week. On the recommendation of my team I have increased my multi vits and AdCal as I have been experiencing giddiness especially when I am exerting myself. Early days yet as I was only asked to do this at my dieticians appointment on Saturday. Was also advised to up my protein intake as well especially in the morning as I tend to rely too much on fruit to get me through the first part of the day.. I tend to have dinner early at 5pm. Before bed I always have a half strength Ovaltine but she felt it was too much of a gap with the Ovaltine not sufficient enough to carry me through to the next day so I've to try have a supper later on in the evening. I've always struggled to eat first & last thing and to be honest I just can't find anything that ticks the boxes for me but I do know that I really need to get a handle on this right now
You seem to be regaining a little bit of that control now hun and I'm so chuffed for you
You seem to be regaining a little bit of that control now hun and I'm so chuffed for you