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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Sharon it is possible a group of mating swans may see your hat (from a mile off) and try to mate with your head!!!
What a choice...very vegas show girl xx
Hi guys

Taken a wee break from the forum. I'm in a bit of a downer. My diary has been such a laugh lately that I didn't want to be the voice of doom and gloom

Got down to 11st 7.5lb and was elated. Two days later I'm back up at 11.12 :-(

No real reason for it. Maybe not as strict as I could have been but no binging etc. well it just sent me on a bender!

Upshot of this is the scales have gone and I joined SW.

I have not been Walking But went out with my mate today. He asked me what the whole point of the band was if I still have to diet and am piling on weight??? Today I have to agree what the hell is the point

So my loss for the whole of January is the grand total of 1 and 3/4lb

So that's a stunning 1 and 3/4lbs in the last two months!!!!

I have been catching up on some Diarys. Well done for reaching your target Karina. I continue to be elated for you and so proud of my surgery buddy xx

Chrystal I feel for you remaining in that blue world. But well done on your weight loss again xx

All the other girls......and Dave - good going guys

Hopefully when I sign back on I will be in a better frame of mind xxxx
Oh Kirsty...I'm sorry you are struggling. I would be pretty down too! Well done on joining SW for support though.
Do you think you need more in your band? I don't know much about them but you don't seem to have the restriction, I would ask for a super fill!!
If you need any support at all we are here for you x
Aww Kirsty I'm sorry your struggling! :(

It's hard, esp this time of year when it's freezing outside! I don't feel any different this week and don't expect a loss! I don't even think weighing myself is best either but hard to break the habit!

The band should restrict what we eat and it does for certain things..but not the really bad stuff..that's why I'm not even having it in the house as it's still a temptation!

I mentioned to you before, but I'm going back to low carb..although I reduced them slightly this week, going to try and reduce them further as I was losing consistently when I did up to around November!

You have still done fantastically for the time u had your band! Still remember your journey and this is just a little stop but you will get going again and SW will help u! Xxx
Kirsty, sending you some massive Bear hugs.

I don't completely understand the band, but I have a friend with one and she said her losses were fairly minor until she found her 'sweet spot'. You've said yourself that you seem to be able to eat any amount of anything, so I'd definitely agree that you need that fill. Ultimately, it sounds like at the moment you're trying to do this on your own as the band isn't giving you any help. Which actually makes your loss a great achievement.

Those down feelings will go. We'll soon be edging towards the longer evenings and this nasty old dark mist that covers is all will soon be gone.

Slimming world was always good to me though. I lost over 5 stone on my first go with them (15 years ago now though)
I'm sorry your struggling Kirsty, it does sound like you need a fill. Hopefully they'll get you in ASAP and you'll finally feel restriction
Sending u bigs hugs chick,you've lost all your weight by yourself,just think when you get good restriction it's gonna drop off,not only are you thinner but look how much healthier and fitter you are, keep doing what your doing Kirsty your an inspiration to us all xxxx
Just popped in quick Hunni and this is always the place to come to put a wee smile on my face :) thanks for the wishes sweetie.... think were in this ughhh together..... but there is light at the end of that tunnel coming soon gal.... Imbolc is almost upon us (the mid way point between spring and winter) so the worst is behind us now and spring will soon be on the horizon.... which will make us all feel sooooo much brighter. January is always a **** month no matter who u are and trying to lose weight is just about as hard as it gets.... you have done so well, virtually alone.... the band (like mine) is just about useless at restricting our intake, making it wholly all your own effort and for that my dear friend you should be extremely proud....i know i am, as are all of us :)
You are always the voice of compassion, love, friendship and sense lol god knows it takes its toll, and i sure know the 'stay away' feeling ..... we are our own worst enemy !!
Being here for words of kindness and support are what we need to spur us onwards and downwards....so please don't feel you need to stay away..... (i shall try to take me own advise here) we are all in this together good and bad ........ hang in there hunnni.... get that fill booked an hope you manage to hit that sweet spot soon... as the others have said... that extra weight can't possibly be a gain ?? it makes no sense??? are you swapping scales again?? get on that sw plan and most of all, put a huge smile back on your face :) hold out your hands and let us take this one day at at a time ....together we can and WILL do this , i promise..... just see how far you have come ... in the meantime i light a candle to warm your heart as a reminder of the spring to come.... on a positive note , it was daylight until 6pm here tonight..... thats amazing x x x x x x xx
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Sorry your having a hard time again Kirsty, but I really thing this is water retention.
Plus Like Crystal says "January and for me February, are very bad months of the year.
Plus are bodies don't get enough vitamin D, which makes us very sluggish.

Hope your feeling better soon, sending healing vibes your way. xxxx
Hi Kirsty. I couldn't read your post and not send you some virtual hugs. You are always so lovely to everyone else who is feeling a bit glum. I'm so sorry you are feeling low and I hope you manage to get the help you need from your provider xxx
Hugs Kirsty. Along with all the other hugs coming your way. It's s*** to feel s***. I hope things turn around for you soon xx
Kirsty....I feel for you. When we met, you was so positive, acknowledging the ups and downs of having a band. We discussed having a fill to increase restriction; I'm not massively familiar with the ins and outs of having a band, but from what I understand, a fill may well assist you further.

If not, have you considered having it removed and getting a sleeve instead? Having said that, now that I've met you, you're nowhere near big enough to need more surgery, IMHO. That's a good thing!!

This whole weight loss thing, some say it's a journey, some of us are more matter-of-fact about it. However you approach it, (I'm in the matter-of-fact camp) it's always comforting to know this forum exists and there are people there for us in our "hours of need"; people who understand what's going on with our bodies, people to lend a hand or an ear, or kick our butts and help us pick ourselves up again.

Kirsty, we're all here for you. You've got my number.

Peace and love. xx
Hang in there Kirsty!..... You have done so well... That carnt possibly be " fat " gain , please remember that!... I'm a serial weigher to and I went up 3 down 1 up 2 this week also but ended up -2 by weight in official.... Could well be back up 2 in the AM!.... I'm glad you've had the strength to put the scales away!.... I'm cutting back cause it just does your head in doesn't it.... Hopefully a fill will help with the head hunger to!..... Try not to let yourself be to hungry if poss, I think ( well with me anyhow) that's when I would spiral out of control... All or nothing!.... Mediocre is my new mantra!... It's not a word that sits well with me but it's going to be my new BFF :)
Dear Kristy, I think you are doing great. You walk a lot don't you? You are getting slimmer and fitter. Your may be building muscle which may explain the "gain". From your photo and posts, I see someone gaining frienships, confidence, fitness and fun - and loosing r weight. Keep going girl!
OMG! I am overwhelmed by the thoughtful, sincere posts my WLS friends have posted on here for me.

When ever I have those 'I'm worthless' thoughts I will read these couple of pages and know that it's only me who thinks so. That folks care

I feel really humbled

Thanks seems so inadequate