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Hi, I'm Kirsty, banded August 2014. My post op dairy

Kirsty your doing amazing I'm so Jel when I see all of yours pix I look at how far you've all come n I say I wanna be there too!!!!!! Maybe your heading towards target and your body is settling. Could also be a bit of bloat or water retention. Keep at it girl.
Your amazing!!!!!! X x x
Kirsty I am gutted for you and we all completely understand how your feeling, I mean I went through it next days ago. I know you will find the energy and right mental thoughts to get you back to you.

I do think if your surgeon did something different then your fills must be matched to your individual procedure x

Please please keep in touch x
Dear Kristy, I think you are doing great. You walk a lot don't you? You are getting slimmer and fitter. Your may be building muscle which may explain the "gain". From your photo and posts, I see someone gaining frienships, confidence, fitness and fun - and loosing r weight. Keep going girl!

Thanks Tules. How are you feeling about your upcoming surgery?
WAnted to stop by and give you a cuddle here I was moaning and your having a time of it im sorry lovely xxxx Im in glasgow on thurs for a fill... we need to meet!
Gweni. I am working on Thursday but if your free around lunchtime I would love to meet up in the city centre. I don't finish work till six. But I expect you will be heading home by then
Gweni. How are you travelling. If by train I could meet you in the station. If by car my hubby said he can drive me somewhere to meet you and drop me off for an hour and come back and get me :) :) all excited now xx
Hi Kirsty, sorry to read you are down, I have no doubt your meet up with Gweni will give you a boost, I'm sure this time of year really does not help. Just remember how far you have come. My thoughts are with you x
Hi girls. I'm just sticking to the SW plan and panicking with no scales in the house I feel like I'm getting fatter every day but I'm determined to stick with it till Thursday's weigh in. If no weight loss on the plan I will go back to low carbing but still get weighed in on class

I will never go back to daily weighing. It's too emotionally exhausting

Hope you are all doing well
It sounds like you need to be kind to yourself hun, you're putting so much pressure on yourself and it's bound to make you feel down and stressed.

You have come so far, focus on the positives rather than the negatives. You have still lost 1 and 3/4 lb, even if it has taken 2 months - it is a loss!! Without your determination to stay on top of things how much could you have put on? But you haven't. Keep your eye on the bigger picture and all the achievements you've made.

This wls journey is like a blinking rollercoaster, maybe you need to get off for a little while, you will make your goal I have no doubts, the world won't stop turning if you fall off the wagon occasionally and it takes a little longer than you'd hoped. The important thing is to forgive yourself and get right back on it.

Take care and keep your pecker up x