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Hiya all I went shopping today fr bits i need for hosp


New Member
I bought calpol,remegel chewable my santanogen gold to start takin now as recomended by dietician some bedsocks for cold feet lol facial wipes lip balm hand wipes also anti bacterial gel mini shampoo,cond,toothpaste,showergel deodarant all mini stuff so as i dont have to take in big bottles of everything.

I bought myself a new fleece blanket incase i get cold as i have heard from some of you that after your op you where cold one min hot the next i also got that magicool to cool me down if i am to hot and a mini spray bottle to put water in and a handheld fan lol

Do you think ive got enough hehehehe i sadi to hub i feel like i buyin this for a bloody holiday hehehe
My emotions today have gone from happy to scared to excited and i knw this is the norm and to be expected.

I told my sister which im not sure wether this was a good thing or not on one hand im glad i did and on the other im not as i dont think she totally understands as i said to her some peeps think this is the easy way out and its not and she said well it is isnt it and i said no its not by any means and explained why to her but i still dont think she got it but thats nt my prob is it and im defo not goin to let that stop me from having it wild horses wouldt be able to stop me from doin this lin.x
I bought a couple of nighties ages ago - but I've put on weight since then and someone said they need to be roomy because of the swelling. So next week I have a mission - to buy new nighties and get all my bits and pieces together. When all you can do is wait it seems as if you are doing something useful! xx
hiya mixman i will make sure i aint to warm lol hiya marion yeh it does feel like ya doin somethin usefull i got meself new nighties,pjs,dressing gown and slippers the other week im goin to get new underwear to somethin comfy lol ive writen down a list of what i need to take in and what i need to have ready at home for me when i get home cz im a proper organiser hehehe
gail why was ya in one night hun with a gastric bypass? also im takin a pink small suitcase can ya tell what my fave colour is hehe nearly all the stuff i bought today was pink to hahahahahahahaha

costaerer im getin mine done in the murrayfield hosp on the wirral hopefully in november sometime where are you getin yours?
I think its one of mr Ammori`s rules he likes to get you home a.s.a.p therefore you can recouperate better at home than stuck in a small room, plus there is less chance of infection. Yes I had a gastric bypass as well.:eek:
gail why was ya in one night hun with a gastric bypass? also im takin a pink small suitcase can ya tell what my fave colour is hehe nearly all the stuff i bought today was pink to hahahahahahahaha

costaerer im getin mine done in the murrayfield hosp on the wirral hopefully in november sometime where are you getin yours?
omg gail wow home one day after well done hun i will be in 3 days they said one night in hdu and 2 in my own room and i have to say im lookin forward to it lol a break from the kids hehehe jokin they will be comin in to see me but i will be getin a break from hubs snorin hahahahahahaa.x
Where are you having your op? mine was at the spire Manchester with Mr Ammori and Ime positive that everyone is only in for overnight stay..
omg gail wow home one day after well done hun i will be in 3 days they said one night in hdu and 2 in my own room and i have to say im lookin forward to it lol a break from the kids hehehe jokin they will be comin in to see me but i will be getin a break from hubs snorin hahahahahahaa.x
im getin mine at the murrayfield hosp on the wirral and they said for a bypass you are in for 3 nights 1 night for a band and 4 for a duodendal switch.x
Yes your right because my friend sue had hers done there with robert Maccadam. she was in for 4/5 days as she also had her gall bladder out as well. Gail.
im getin mine at the murrayfield hosp on the wirral and they said for a bypass you are in for 3 nights 1 night for a band and 4 for a duodendal switch.x
oh right i dont think they will be takin mine out at the same time as i did ask about this and got told no this wont be happening but i will ask when i go back in a few weeks as im not sure wether to have this done or not as i dont want to be bk in hosp in a few months wid pain from my gallbladder ouch how is your friend now hun is she doin ok?
Yes she is doing fab, she has lost over 50Lb her op date was 15th July, sue is actualy a member on minis her name is soon 2 be slinky sue.so you will speak to her no doubt soon.
oh right i dont think they will be takin mine out at the same time as i did ask about this and got told no this wont be happening but i will ask when i go back in a few weeks as im not sure wether to have this done or not as i dont want to be bk in hosp in a few months wid pain from my gallbladder ouch how is your friend now hun is she doin ok?
ive not seen her i dont think shes been on much and can i just say wow thats amazin what shes done and i think its amazin what youve done to hun you must feel so much better.x
nov 6th at spire manchester
having band and i think they said ill be in 1 night...might try and get out that day if i have op in morning!
good luck costaerer hope it all goes well hun.x
Lin, thanks for that! You've just made me realise i should have approx four nights sleeping without ear plugs in, how fab! whoooo xx
I'm getting bypass with Mr Ammori at Spire Manchester on 17 Oct. He told me I could probably get out the next day but I think I would prefer at least 2 days.

Good luck all going for the op.

Andrea x
hahahahahaha phatmomma me to lol hi andrea you to hun let us knw how you get on lin.x