hmmm not sure Sharon On the lsd you have to follow what they give you diet wise so that would depend on the hospital. But post op i don't see why not....... but check with the hospital, they all so different. I was having custard from early on i would say its no real different texture wise, i guess its just the sugar/cal contents. I sent hubby in search for some today and can report he got nas chocolate flavour ones 4 for a £1 in lidls and it was pretty scumptious91 cals for the sachet made with semi skimmed milk..... made it with skimmed so a little bit lower, shared with hubby with some nas jelly lol also for lidls 10 cals per sachet made up fitted into my jelly molds which made 4
so were all set for tomorrow too
yummy thanks Cupid x x x x
Heaven must have bern a good seat aswell
NO don't beat yourself up, a diet break was needed after the last few months you've hadIt very easy to do if your not on the ball all of the time........... there's a very fine line too!! If i don't go out walking everyday even keeping my intake lowish can see a + on the scales. I had a sneaky weigh this morning to check my progress this week and eeek it was a + so am pulling myself back for rest of week in hopes by weigh day it will be a -
x x x x
Cupid1964 isn't that what life's all about being normal . I know at the moment some of us are reaching the final goal and we need to loose that extra bit for the operation but as others have said treat it ax a holiday and just start again, it's when you forget that everyday isn't a holiday you have problems. Your human and we all like a blow out every now and then it's learning to be nice to yourself and forgive don't be upset and just cut back tomorrow after all your not on a diet your on a healthy eating planyour doing great. Me for the past two months I've been 4£ of back on then of then back on I just can't brae into the next stone down and it's driving me mad but I stick at it because it had to happen soon or later
hmmm not sure Sharon On the lsd you have to follow what they give you diet wise so that would depend on the hospital. But post op i don't see why not....... but check with the hospital, they all so different. I was having custard from early on i would say its no real different texture wise, i guess its just the sugar/cal contents.
I sent hubby in search for some today and can report he got nas chocolate flavour ones 4 for a £1 in lidls and it was pretty scumptious91 cals for the sachet made with semi skimmed milk..... made it with skimmed so a little bit lower, shared with hubby with some nas jelly lol also for lidls 10 cals per sachet made up fitted into my jelly molds which made 4
so were all set for tomorrow too
yummy thanks Cupid x x x x
I tried them when I hit soft stage for the first time it didnt like me then but now im fine with them but I only allow a pudding one day a week Cupid we all deserve a break from the monotonous dieting dont be too hard on yourself but def keep them fluids up specially in this heat but your still doing fab
Yes got pains in back and legs and doc tells me it's Sacroiliitis but I have had it four or five times but never this silly dizziness and passing out.Hope your feeling better soon, have you had any other symptoms. What kind of pains are you suffering with ?