Thought I was having a real good day today till I ended up snacking....on my own all day whilst everyone at work was a defo bad idea. I was so upset and couldn't think why I would do such a thing. Got it all listed but then when hubby came in he asked why I hadn't answered the fone (flat battery) and did I want a drink as he was making one anyway.
The penny sank in at once I got up at 8.15 to a neighbour knocking and it threw me sideways coz he needed help. I didn't get breakfast until 11am and no drink with it and so lunch was later still. 3 pm busy prepping tea for everyone then dogs out for a walk. Had my dinner at 5 as normal and snacking after that out of sheer stupidity and then he came home at 7.30pm followed by the kids (adults). Then it was omg I haven't had a single drink all day long not even a sip of water!!!!
Note to self don't let battery drain on mobile as that's my drinks reminder

how can anyone go that long without a drink??? Well that was me until I started to see how important it was...1 cuppa a day quite normal until then. Big big big mistake and slap on the wrist

New day tomorrow and not alone all day so giving my head a shake. Talk about drama queen will ever I get this right???