hmmmmm our messages are like passing ships in the night....... so sorry i'm never here for you and repay the wonderful support you always send me

I think its perfectly normal to feel like nothings been done, as for that old head hunger (nasty pesk lol) i think the key is to be cautious all the way, don't over push yourself to the point of pain, but of course its a huge learning curve, and everyday seems to be different with no rhyme nor reason sometimes. Its important to take your vitamins, i forget mine, but i'm band so very difference in that respect. I think its also good to try and change that old thought process, instead of quantity, go for quality

if you must have bread, make it the best one possible and for a treat

for me i find it goes down better toasted, but honestly i never did bread much before anyway, but less so now..... i'd rather fill up on good fuel now

Hubby is a tough one, i think i learned the hard way when i was knocked off my feet with the ME...housework was an impossibility so these days its really not important, and i learned to get over my own guilt if i couldn't do it. So yes i agree i like to keep on top of it but sometimes it just needs to be put on the back burner and give yourself permission to let it get away for awhile.....especially if hubby not wanting to get stuck in and help lol i figured if he couldn't be bothered while i was poorly, then he could live in it too !!!! with regards to the comments ignore them hunni, you chose this path for you not him...... you chose to pull yourself up out of this pit that we managed to find ourselves in........and honestly you chose it for him and the kids too......... your are more than entitled to chose a better life for yourself, which in turn will give him and the kids a better life too........ you chose to live and not to spend your later years reliant on them. Frankly it sounds like insecurities to me, is he concerned your going to change beyond compare..... maybe his concerned you are no longer going to be so reliant on him?? Some men are just scared of the changes in us...... my ex hated every time i tried to lose weight, the comments were down right nasty, but all they said was how insecure he was...... hubby number 2 has supported me all the way and frankly is loving having a dolly bird on his arm now lol Maybe it is as simple as he's not getting all the wonderful food cooked for him, and hes feeling a little neglected but that will ease of in time, once you back to normal eating

And frankly if you'd decided on a quiet bonfire night and he chose to invite his friends then he should at least chip in and get helping grrrrrrrrrr men !!! Do what you have to do hunni then feet up ....... crystals orders

Ride out the day sweetheart, see how your feeling tomorrow, am hoping it all settles down with time, but maybe its worth trying to get to the bottom of his thinking, see if you can't put his insecurities at rest...... just remind him why you did this....... its not about looks its about health and having a long healthy life with him and the kids

Dont feel bad, dont let this little upset rock your bubble hunni, surround yourself in that golden light and feel my love n hugs coming your way x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x btw have a great evening tonight, dont over do it x x x x x