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I've joined the losers club

Thank you CrystalRainbow.. wise words!
This site is VAST! It's taken me half an hour to find this post to see if anyone has answered hahaha
Im reading with interest everyone's stories.
I guess the doc at the initial consult will advise me of what is available to me- I know what I really liked the idea of was the Endobarrier- but its reeeeeally expensive!
Thank you for your advice- Im gonna leave you be now while I go and explore .. and read your diary lol
Your very welcome hunni and welcome to the site....
Lucy try putting up a thread of your own....... ask the same question you will get a lot of responders and everyone will have a different opinion + it will be easier to find when you want to LOL
Bandedhun will have a great input on this :) she has been there and is now working her band perfectly :)
OMG! I'm gonna cry ... I just wrote the most heart felt reply for juicy Lucy and just deleted the whole bloody thing!!!! God darn tiredness!!!! I'll try again to re type it all....

Cry cry cry ....hate nights !!!!

Right I'm going to attempt to write you another post....

I have since a young age suffered with emotional eating, binge eating and bulimia . My sole purpose for getting the band was to STOP physically being able to eat vast and over excessive amounts of food at one time. On a binge. On an emotional episode. That so far. Nearly 4 weeks has happened. I haven't managed a binge. Has the emotional eating thoughts gone? Nope no one second. That's a completely different battle altogether

I've found that early on pre op I suffered a grieving process where fear kicked in and the pleasures and ways I binged and are scared me that I wasn't going to ever eat again. Then overcome with the unknown excitement kicked in... Yaye I'll be slim! It wasn't an easy ride.

After having it fitted. Now I only made the decision to have a band 7 days prior to consultation and the n surgery 7 days later too. So all very rushed. But after years of Yoyo ing the only way I could STOP this irrational way of life was to Prevent it. I digress- so after the band was fitted your excitement in sureness off it all and the general keep you focused but for me by day 7 I was discovering that there were ways to feed my binge emotional head again... Ways that's don't hurt the band but are bad for weight etc... Basically bad choices! So with three ish weeks of battling the head that said yes to chocolate and milky drinks and fast foods... I thought hang on £5k and a change of life. I needed to get the blasting and experimenting out the way. The thoughts are there all the time. So I bring me did my research and found a book called brain over binge. I've learned so much over this week reading it that simplifies all the therapy tills used that enable the emotional head to always kick in and become more powerful... Everyday I'm learning to combat it. Grieving for food is just weird!! But it happens....

My diary explains everything .... I think you find it in WLS > banders> diaries > bandedhun's mad fat diary....

I won't bore you too much but I don't regret it one second having it, I look forward to a hopeful and slimmer future and most importantly healthy and no more binges in my life. Finally the recovery from my eating disorder 30 year life....

( this is no where near what I wrote earlier)
So shattered though :-( apologies... I'm off for 5 days now so feel free to get in touch xxx
Good luck juicy Lucy! I was an emotional eater my band simply doesn't allow it anymore and too much sugar just makes me feel sick now so it has completely changed the way I eat! X x
BandedHun.. thank you so much for even writing that diary- I read pages and pages of everyones last night- and I felt like i was on your journey with you.. it was so helpful, I feel like I know a few of you so well lol
Some (well tons) of your emotions hit a nerve like a steeple train.
Im learning before I even go to the appointment on sunday about what I need to do.

WL Dreamer- I just started reading yours too! Its gonna take another night I think- I am at work now!
Its good to see sugar makes you feel nauseous- I will tell you why later- no time now, but thats really helpful! xx

Im so glad I found this site- I really am serious about the band.. and I feel like Ive found a great support system already to help me get through the fight..

Thanks you CrystalRainbow and Sparkly Sue :)
I have been mainly focussing on the band- which is why I was interested in your stories.
My sis had a bypass and is doing great with that- but Im dont have a high enough BMI to go down that route.
Im going private, and I think this is just in my budget at a stretch and a tight budget everywhere else.. provided it works!
If you dont mind, Im interested in how you you guys feel about 'emotional eating'- Im not sure if just feeling full will do it for me... I seem to eat when Im not hungry and I also carry on eating when Im full.. lol.. do you think am I a lost cause for a band? I sometimes think supergluing my mouth shut maybe my only answer :D
The emotional eating is still very much in my mind Juicy Lucy.Most days I'm really good but then some days I may eat everything I shouldn't. Like Banded Hun says, food choices aren't always the best. This weekend it was chocolate and plenty of other stuff. Some days I get my head so completely together and so focussed, then I loose the plot big time.
Sometimes I don't even know what triggers it, but think I will struggle for a while yet.
I'm trying so hard to be good with my band but as someone said on here, paying privately, we get no counselling or support groups. Crystal has sessions with her counsellor and support groups and she says she has really benefited from that.
I have had cbt in the past and seen a dietician regularly also had hypnotherapy but none really done the job so looks like I will have to work things out myself.
I love having the band though and am looking forward to having restriction, then hopefully things will fall into place.
Good luck on your journey. xx
Sue after reading that ............when i go support groups, its basically food and eating related blah blah........ but if it helps anyone am happy to post up what we've covered that day :)

I can recommend seeing a councilor in general, because it all has some bearing on our weight loss journey....... the other option is to pour your heart out here, it really helps me........... and of course im always to help if anyone wants to message me :)
NHS route was long winded but very helpful, i personally didn't see a psychologist , apparently i was too sane lol and only came into play if i was a binge eater!! but we did get group sessions before hand we covered emotional eating and distraction tactics, goal setting, food types and portion control. All about the procedure's were covered too. The groups now (post op) cover foods and eating the right things..... I believe we've got one coming up about exercise ...... If im honest most of what i've learned has come from this site rather than the hospital lol but the biggest support is talking to others going thru the same either here or at the group sessions.
I only say this thru my own experience the waiting time on the NHS is a god send (never thought i'd say that) ok nobody wants to wait forever but i believe it got me better prepared , i would never had gone into it lightly............... and i feel although its nice to go and get the op done and dusted quickly but i feel your head has an awful lot of catching up to do. For me (and this is my opinion) weight loss is about the mind........ once that's in the right place we can achieve anything :) x x x x
Crystal Rainbow I would certainly appreciate you sharing the ideas of the group- any thing that may help I would like to work with!

BandedHun.. the book you spoke about, Brain over Binge.. does it look like the idea would be adaptable for emotional eating in general, or is it just really exploring bulimic issues?
I have had a look and I'm not sure its for me- but Im open to suggestion!
Sue after reading that ............when i go support groups, its basically food and eating related blah blah........ but if it helps anyone am happy to post up what we've covered that day :)

I can recommend seeing a councilor in general, because it all has some bearing on our weight loss journey....... the other option is to pour your heart out here, it really helps me........... and of course im always to help if anyone wants to message me :)
NHS route was long winded but very helpful, i personally didn't see a psychologist , apparently i was too sane lol and only came into play if i was a binge eater!! but we did get group sessions before hand we covered emotional eating and distraction tactics, goal setting, food types and portion control. All about the procedure's were covered too. The groups now (post op) cover foods and eating the right things..... I believe we've got one coming up about exercise ...... If im honest most of what i've learned has come from this site rather than the hospital lol but the biggest support is talking to others going thru the same either here or at the group sessions.
I only say this thru my own experience the waiting time on the NHS is a god send (never thought i'd say that) ok nobody wants to wait forever but i believe it got me better prepared , i would never had gone into it lightly............... and i feel although its nice to go and get the op done and dusted quickly but i feel your head has an awful lot of catching up to do. For me (and this is my opinion) weight loss is about the mind........ once that's in the right place we can achieve anything :) x x x x
Couldn't agree more Crystal xx
Nope, it talks about mainly being eating ( I was surprised) it refers all round to the binge whatever it's linked to ... Emotions etc... Very good I must admit xxx
Nope, it talks about mainly being eating ( I was surprised) it refers all round to the binge whatever it's linked to ... Emotions etc... Very good I must admit xxx
I've had a look at the book on Amazon and ordered it. Looking forward to a good read.x
Thank you SparklySue!
The nerves are kicking in and the cupboards stocked. One final order went out today so I shall just be tying up loose ends tomorrow at work.

Hows it going for you? Are you finding it's working as you expected it to?
Well the nurse and dietician told me that a lot of people don't see a massive weight loss until we have restriction. I have 5ml in my band after 2 fills.
It really suppressed my eating during that first week after having the fill, then the effect wears off after a couple of weeks.
Also, I haven't found anything that I can't eat yet. I'm hoping after my next fill that I will see a difference in how I can eat.
The nurse told me at my last fill, how she has a lady who has just found restriction at 9ml. We all respond differently to the band and some of us are more disciplined that others. I have good and bad days at the moment, but hope the bad days will soon be a thing of the past.
I haven't found it a miracle cure, I wish it was. Who ever thinks this is the easy, cheating way to lose weight is very wrong.
I love having the band as it does make me stop and think what I put in my mouth. Think I just need a bit more restriction to get me 'under control'.

I don't have any regrets at all and wish you all the very best on your journey. xxx
Thank you SparklySue.
I did hope this was going to be a magic cure, but I do now understand that its really a tool to help me on my way. I am pretty petrified.. not of having it done but of having it done and not making it work!
I hope you find your sweet spot very soon and we can all see a little less of each other! Hahaha xxxx
Not posted for a while. Had a quick rummage through posts though and everyone seems ok I think.
So I had my 3rd fill on Tuesday. I now have 6ml in my band. I'm on sloppys till later today but already feel fuller for longer so fingers crossed. The nurse thinks I may just need one more small fill to do the trick.
Been busy with work and Uni work too so not much time to post on here but will drop by whenever I can.

Yooooohoooo Sue

Good to here everything's going well for you....... another fill in well done !!! it must be exciting getting your band working as it should :) i'm still working on empty lol but still going good. Am a bit the same with time right now, as have guests down for the week but am sure will catch up soon :) am hospital on Tuesday will wait and see what the say............... possibly a fill eeekkkk

HUgs x x x x
Nice to see you posting Sparkly Sue!
Glad you have almost got there with the fills. I hope this one feels restrictive permanently.
Im looking forward to getting mine under manners! My first fill is in the first week of June.
Meanwhile Im staaaaarving, but I am writing eveyrthing down and being very disciplined (so far!)