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I've joined the losers club

Well what a week. So much chocolate. Just haven't stopped eating crap all week. Effects of my last fill seem to have worn off as I can eat large portions again.
Feel really bad for doing it but can't change it.
Well tomorrow is a new day. Back on the healthy stuff and must be more disciplined as weight not moving, but only got myself to blame. Sometimes I'm so focussed then other times the old me rears its head again and I'm back to my old self.

Anyway, no point moaning. Hope you all had a good weekend and didn't do what I did !!!
ugh Sue its a hard habit to break eh BUT it was Easter .......... i too had some choc but try to limit myself and it gets logged on my intake for the day, so i don't go overboard lol life is always going to throw special occasions at us and a far as im concerned im never going to be an angel for the rest of my days, so i go with flow and try not to beat myself up about it. That way i don;t do the mood swings which could make matters worse :)
Gl on getting back to it Sue and for the next fill hope you find that sweet spot soon x x x
Thanks Crystal, I don't think it helped as I've had annual leave for the last week and also been full of cold for 2 weeks now. Think that and the lack of willpower led to my downfall.
Now on a positive note........
So I had my dietician appointment today. Confessed all and now time to get on track and stop dilly dallying around.
I'm bored with my food so have my cook books out to try and add some variety. Have my next fill booked in 2 weeks which will take me to 6mls so I am hopeful that will make a significant difference.
Off out to buy a new small plate today, even that jumped out of the cupboard and broke itself over the weekend.

Chat soon. Toodleoo xxxx
oohh bless u Sue :) the main thing is your back on the ball now let the past go and now move forward .... new plate an all ..... its so easy done 'one wee slip wont hurt' several slips later and were back where we started LOL wd for climbing back on the horse, shake up the food with the renewed focus all will come right soon enough x x x x
Hi Sue,

It was Easter so you were allowed chocolate, we have to have a treat now and again otherwise we won't stick to the diet. I consumed far too much alcohol over the weekend and when I went for my band infill yesterday they asked me if I had been drinking as they had a hard job finding my port, oops! Apparently alcohol and garlic thin the blood and makes it hard for them to do infills. Oh well, won't drink again till Christmas now lol.

Try looking on the slimming world website, I have tried a few of their recipes lately and they are virtually fat free and healthy. I swear by their chicken curry, mmm might have that tomorrow for dinner thinking about it. xx
Wow ladies, I have just read your journey from january, up to today, and it's given me some inspiration.
It doesnt look easy, but it does look possible!
I have just called up and made an appointment for a consultation at Dolan Park on sunday..
Watch this space! :)
Welcome Juicy Lucy.
Good luck with your appointment. What are you thinking of having done?
Hi Sue,

It was Easter so you were allowed chocolate, we have to have a treat now and again otherwise we won't stick to the diet. I consumed far too much alcohol over the weekend and when I went for my band infill yesterday they asked me if I had been drinking as they had a hard job finding my port, oops! Apparently alcohol and garlic thin the blood and makes it hard for them to do infills. Oh well, won't drink again till Christmas now lol.

Try looking on the slimming world website, I have tried a few of their recipes lately and they are virtually fat free and healthy. I swear by their chicken curry, mmm might have that tomorrow for dinner thinking about it. xx
Hi Donna
Love the pic by the way.
Well I didn't just eat chocolate, I really went for it. Surprised myself actually how bad I was. That's gone now tho and after reading how well everyone is doing I have my mojo back. Had very nice food today, mini weetabix for breakfast, 2 scrambled eggs and 2 rashers bacon for dinner and half a ribeye steak with salad for tea. Just having an apple as we speak for supper and that's me done. Feel so much better for controlling my eating today.
I actually have the slimming world books Donna as I was a member on more than one occasion.
I will have a look through them at the weekend. I think there may be a recipe section somewhere on this site also, so will need to explore.

Thank you everyone for your support. It's strange how you can go from feeling so good about things to feeling despair in such a short time. Your encouragement is just what I needed and that is why I love coming on here as someone always can relate to how we are feeling.
Yay Sue :) its a lovely feeling to take back that control x x x
LOL@Donna didn't realise drink could affect your fills tho!! interesting ..........
Hi Lucy welcome hunni :) gl with your appointment keep us posted x x x
Nor me lol, better not drink before a fill again, they had a terrible job finding it, I have the nurses finger nail mark embedded into my skin, was very painful. Think the nurse was new as when I went back into the waiting room two other ladies complained about the same thing. Xx
Thanks you CrystalRainbow and Sparkly Sue :)
I have been mainly focussing on the band- which is why I was interested in your stories.
My sis had a bypass and is doing great with that- but Im dont have a high enough BMI to go down that route.
Im going private, and I think this is just in my budget at a stretch and a tight budget everywhere else.. provided it works!
If you dont mind, Im interested in how you you guys feel about 'emotional eating'- Im not sure if just feeling full will do it for me... I seem to eat when Im not hungry and I also carry on eating when Im full.. lol.. do you think am I a lost cause for a band? I sometimes think supergluing my mouth shut maybe my only answer :D
Sue I want your food as it sounds lovely, I'm on liquid for the next few days :(( xx
Hi Donna
How much did they put in your band?
Hope you will be ok this time. Have they told you to stay on fluids a little longer?

Yes my food was really lovely today. Had my day off today so have been in the garden cutting the lawns, distraction tactics.

Good luck with the fluids xxxx
Thanks you CrystalRainbow and Sparkly Sue :)
I have been mainly focussing on the band- which is why I was interested in your stories.
My sis had a bypass and is doing great with that- but Im dont have a high enough BMI to go down that route.
Im going private, and I think this is just in my budget at a stretch and a tight budget everywhere else.. provided it works!
If you dont mind, Im interested in how you you guys feel about 'emotional eating'- Im not sure if just feeling full will do it for me... I seem to eat when Im not hungry and I also carry on eating when Im full.. lol.. do you think am I a lost cause for a band? I sometimes think supergluing my mouth shut maybe my only answer :D
Thats a hard one to answer, ultimately its only you who can decide which op is best for you........... the band is perfect if your are a large portion eater.......... tbh it really wont help snacking too much because they are often eaten in small amounts. So the band basically helps to control portion sizes. It certainly does not stop you eating naughty things :eek: for me i believe the mindset is key....... obviously the band helps cement that mindset in because you certainly wouldn't want to a) waste your money b) hurt your tum by over eating .......... for me (10 weeks post op so far no fills) its like i've had something implanted to prick my conscious when i'm eating............ like a gentle reminder no to go mad :eek: that alone is enough to help me..... but it certainly wont stop emotional eating and eating when full will only cause pain.

This journey for me has completely turned my mind upside down lol have a read of my diary too (crystals diary) you may get an idea of how the emotional and metal side of things have been going.

I don't think anyone is a lost cause tho, if i can turn life around so can you :D

I know funds are stretched but make sure you get the correct surgery for you........... not just what you can afford x x x x x

Hi Donna
How much did they put in your band?
Hope you will be ok this time. Have they told you to stay on fluids a little longer?

Yes my food was really lovely today. Had my day off today so have been in the garden cutting the lawns, distraction tactics.

Good luck with the fluids xxxx
He he he distraction tactics come into play alot these days lol and you got some exercise in too :)
Juicy Lucy... Massive emotional binge water here. I'm at work at the mo and it's super busy but ill message on here in the wee hours with thoughts etc ....

Bandedhun xxxx
Thank you CrystalRainbow.. wise words!
This site is VAST! It's taken me half an hour to find this post to see if anyone has answered hahaha
Im reading with interest everyone's stories.
I guess the doc at the initial consult will advise me of what is available to me- I know what I really liked the idea of was the Endobarrier- but its reeeeeally expensive!
Thank you for your advice- Im gonna leave you be now while I go and explore .. and read your diary lol
Hi Donna
How much did they put in your band?
Hope you will be ok this time. Have they told you to stay on fluids a little longer?

Yes my food was really lovely today. Had my day off today so have been in the garden cutting the lawns, distraction tactics.

Good luck with the fluids xxxx

They put in 0.5mls, they agreed to do small infills every four weeks now, so in total I have 4mls, all seems good, no complications this time apart from them not finding the port, but all good my side. They advised 48 hours on fluids so will do one more day tomorrow, followed by 24 hours on mush, then back to normal.

I got my husband to do the lawn today too, I hate gardening lol, so I went off and had my hair done and this afternoon I went and gave blood, my good deed for the day!. xx