@Louisex21 it sounds like you have a plan of action and a way forward which is great. It isn't easy post op and it could be very easy to develop an eating disorder/fear of food. I went through that when I moved onto solids after a couple of horrible episodes where food got stuck. I didn't want to try anything new and just wanted to stick with soft food but I had to force myself because I didn't want to eat slop for the rest of my life. It was hard and scary and still is when I try something new - there is a lot I haven't tried yet - bread, pasta, rice, omelette, oranges are all on my list oh and pork, not had that yet! Eating out/being away from home is still a learning experience but this is what we signed up for.
I did have quite a bit of coffee (mainly decaf) at the beginning but I made it with all milk so at least I was getting that protein and fluid.
Oh and I didn't feel hunger at all initially but we were warned about that and you need to schedule your meals, snacks and drinks to ensure the hour in between - I had a timetable to follow initially and set alarms on my phone. It does get easier but you do need to plan things at this stage.
Are you taking your vitamins and calcium etc ok?
Fingers crossed you get support from your team and your gp. Well done for taking control back.