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JennaMeri's Sleeve Journey

Took the Pup for another 3 mile walk this evening. We managed to knock 7 minutes off of our morning walk time. :) Only thing I wish I had done better today is drinking. I haven't had hardly anything. :( I'm thinking of doing a 10K at the end of the month... but I may decide against it as I haven't done any running for quite a while. Don't really fancy hurting myself. A cousin is running the London Tower 10K in May, which would give me a bit more time to train, so I'm thinking I'll do that one instead. As far as Facebook goes... to those that want to add me: Jennifer Inskip (Jennifer Fulk) is how my name comes up apparently. :) OH! I measured today (I do it randomly 'cause I have to wait until Hubby isn't home so I do it properly)... I've lost 9.25 inches overall since the 23rd of Feb! :D Well pleased with that. Hope everyone is doing well (or at least improving).
I've messaged you on fb hun :) couldn't see the add friend button anywhere, weird! Wow that's an amazing loss, I'm not doin measurements but monthly photos, looking forward to seeing the next ones on 1st April! A 10k, what a superstar you are...I couldn't run for 10mins nevermind 10k's. But it is deffo something I'd like to get into as I get smaller, purey for the reason that I refuse to pay for a gym membership as I don't use it enough to justify it!!! Let us know what your training routine looks like when you start it xxx
I've messaged you on fb hun :) couldn't see the add friend button anywhere, weird! Wow that's an amazing loss, I'm not doin measurements but monthly photos, looking forward to seeing the next ones on 1st April! A 10k, what a superstar you are...I couldn't run for 10mins nevermind 10k's. But it is deffo something I'd like to get into as I get smaller, purey for the reason that I refuse to pay for a gym membership as I don't use it enough to justify it!!! Let us know what your training routine looks like when you start it xxx

I thought I'd give it a bit to see if it came through, but I still haven't gotten a message. :( Does your pic have just you in it and then your background pic have three other people? If so then I've found you... I'll try sending that person a message just incase it is you. :) hope your day is going better than mine. Damn incarcerated clients... they can really kill your day. :(
So work day yesterday was horrid... it was my last day before a week off and I got called a 'thick fu**ing bi**h' by one of my clients, didn't have time to finish every thing (I'm there for 12 hours, you'd think I'd have time for EVERYTHING), they changed one of our procedures (to start YESTERDAY when the lead wasn't in to ask questions of) and I just wanted to get home. Then I did get home and hubby looked like hell, so I asked him what was wrong (thinking something had gone wrong at his eye test) and he started crying and said, 'Grandad died today.' Oh god. You know when there's that one person in the family who's been poorly and a little piece of your mind is always ready for the news that they've passed away? He wasn't that one. Sure he wasn't the healthiest of people, but he was also getting on in years so you would expect him to have a few kinks. The doctors say he had a sudden massive heart attack, and that he wouldn't have felt anything. How do they know this? I know they say crap to make the family feel better, but it is just crap. Heart attacks HURT... some not as much as others, but they still definitely don't tickle. Ugh, this is just opening up a whole mess of things and I don't mean to sound selfish, because my husband's grandad just died, but now our anniversary (which is next Thursday) may also end up being the funeral date for Grandad. :( His nan won't remember it as the nice day when we got married, but as the horrible day when her husband was buried. *sigh*

I have a bright note that's more in tune with this forum though: I'm officially 1/3rd of the way through my total weight to lose goal. I'm down 42 lbs (so 3 stone gone!) and I have 83 lbs left to go... so actually 1 lbs over 1/3rd of the way, but it's close enough. Still not having regular bm's... having to take a senna every couple of days (when I know I have the next day off). So this next week, I'm going to take one a day and see if that helps to regulate things... if it doesn't by next Friday (my 8 week checkup) then I'll see what he recommends. Otherwise things seem on track... going to take Pup for our three miles... see how much of it I can jog. Hope every one else is alright.
Aww Jenna that's so sad, I can't say whether what the doctor said was true, but I'd like to think so and if it eases even a smidge of your families pain then I'd be inclined to believe it without question.

Whooooop well done on your milestone, I'm not too far behind you, I'm at 27.54% of my overall weight loss. It's very exciting isn't it??? Well done on your long walks, you're an inspiration xx
so sorry for your families loss jenna but great news on your target feel free to add me on fb if you like adele aldridge
So sorry to hear this sad news...my father passed away last July after a brief spell of incredibly aggressive cancer 3months from diagnosis to death...however prepared you 'think' you are loss is devastating...my kids miss him like made (no diff nor is shock for hubby) you're both in my thoughts this morning xxx

Fab news on your targets so far! Seems mad that we're all just 'doing' this after pooping ourselves in early January :)....next thing you know it'll be April :)

Don't worry about callous work related comments, I get called alot worse...I zone out now after it being water off a bloody ducks back. It's their ignorance, not yours & you carry yourself v.proffesionally...that's why your clients are where they are XXX
Thanks for the thoughts. It's been a rough couple of days, and I had to basically force Hubby to go visit on Friday, but I knew it would help him. It always helps, not only to be around your family when things happen (good or bad) but it also helps you know how to react when you see how THEY'RE reacting. Hubby just kept thinking his nan was just going to die because how could she keep going without him (she's VERY poorly and Grandad was her carer), but when we were there she only got upset about things twice, once when we arrived and once when we left (totally understandable). The rest of the time she was telling us stories about her early years and during the war and all those stories you wish the oldies would tell you about BEFORE they pass away so you can ask a bunch of questions. It was a really good visit (unlike how they used to be). And then we went to visit hubby's sister which helped him a lot more as well. So yay me for getting him to go, and yay him for being able to handle a not fun situation.

It was weigh-in today and I've gotten to my goal for Friday! :D Another 4 lb loss this week which puts me 3 lbs under my goal. I'm excited for Friday now... just have to hope that my scales are close to the doctor's scales. MUST concentrate on liquids... I dehydrated myself yesterday and suffered most of the day with a huge headache and light-headedness. Still craving drinks this morning. Hope every one else is well.
Hi Jenna, have you tried your "others" message box, because that's where messages from people who aren't friends with you would go.
Sorry to hear your sad news but well done on keeping going
So as of today I've walked/jogged 27 miles in the last 10 days. I'm doing about 3 miles at a time. Most of it walking with Pup, but this morning I went solo and jogged it. Only walked about 10 minutes total (and that's including a 5 min warm-up). I also managed to do 13 min/mi... which for me is amazing! I could never get under 15 min/mi before. Quite excited about this. I'm not really following any sort of thing... I just know that going around this park is 3.2ish miles so I do a 5 minute warm up power walk and then start jogging. Find a pace that doesn't make me out of breath after two steps and stay at that for 15-20 minutes, no matter how slow that pace may be. Then I walk for a minute or two depending on how horrible I feel, to catch most of my breath back before going again. Goal is to do 6 miles before May, as I've signed up to do a 10K around the Tower of London with Hubby's cousin. I've done one before, so my goal for this one is just to beat that time. :) Going to The Ideal Home Show tomorrow to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary (isn't 'til Thursday, but a day early still counts) and get some ideas on how we want our garden to be. I have loads of thoughts/things I want to do, but we'll see if we find anything else. :) Hope every one else is well.
Wow Jenna what a week you've had....so sorry to hear of your loss hunni really glad you got oh there for a visit, its never easy, but helped to ease the mind a little. Congrats on all that walking jogging that is amazing hun wd you :) congrats on signing up for the 10k my word that is AMAZING !!!!

WHop whop on making your goal too wow this is a post of milestones and achievements your a star ............ enjoy the ideal home :) ohhhhh am jealous love planning the garden this time of year i so exciting and full of hope and possibility, have a great time and happy anniversary x x x x x
congrats on the walking/jogging hope i get to be that fit your doing fab
Yeah seriously Jenna you're just making me feel bad now lol. You're such a superstar, working the hours you do, holding down a marriage, your recent tragedy and training for a 10k. Honest to god I don't know how you do it. I'm in awe...as always and well done hun xxx
Thanks everyone. I'm just trying to stay busy, 'cause if I don't I'll end up going back to old habits of just sitting around on the sofa.
We went to the Ideal Home Show today and since we finished that early we went to the Natural History Museum for a bit. We did alright while at the IHS, but when we got to the NHM the grumpiness started. Neither myself nor my husband like people very much... I don't mean people like having friends or throwing small parties... I mean people like crowds of ignorant stupid-heads who's level of manners is closer to those of poo eating gorillas than actual human beings. Or groups of school kids who's watchers don't know how to WATCH. Sooo... we got a bit grumpy. Add that to the fact we hadn't eaten for 5-6 hours and it didn't equal us at our best. Then the train was packed and once we did manage to get a seat I ended up sitting right next to one of my former clients. Not the best situation. I felt sorry for the lady he was sitting next to as he kept getting in her face and mumbling to himself. When he got off (finally) he leaned over her and said, 'Take care of yourself. Oh, and just between you and me, I'm actually quite dangerous. Too bad you didn't know that earlier.' I really felt like asking her if she was alright, but I didn't want to escalate the situation. Oh well, at least we got our cheese and enough sausages to last us 6 months.
oooooooooooh nasty man hmmmm not nice poor woman tbh Jenna i really don't know how you do your job hun my hat is off to you totally. Glad the IH was good at least, can agree on the crowds yuck so can understand the grumps LOL feet up now and have a pleasant evening x x x x
Wow what a day! I am exactly the same with people...and I am slightly phobic around crowds. 2 years ago I was walking through the courtyard of a really busy pub, holding hands with the other half and out of nowhere somebody put there hand right under my dress, through my legs and grabbed my crotch. Since that day, I get very nervous in crowds, and have even on occasion had mild panic attacks. I don't go out dancing anymore and don't enjoy stand up concerts etc. It's a shame isn't it?

Sorry I hijacked your post, didn't mean to!! I would have loved the IH thing, sounds bliss. The museum not so much haha. And how vile did that sound, occupational hazard I guess but I agree with Crystal, hats off to you! X
Wow what a day! I am exactly the same with people...and I am slightly phobic around crowds. 2 years ago I was walking through the courtyard of a really busy pub, holding hands with the other half and out of nowhere somebody put there hand right under my dress, through my legs and grabbed my crotch. Since that day, I get very nervous in crowds, and have even on occasion had mild panic attacks. I don't go out dancing anymore and don't enjoy stand up concerts etc. It's a shame isn't it?

Sorry I hijacked your post, didn't mean to!! I would have loved the IH thing, sounds bliss. The museum not so much haha. And how vile did that sound, occupational hazard I guess but I agree with Crystal, hats off to you! X

That's horrible that someone felt that was okay to do! Hope said person got kicked where it counts by someone wjth steel-toe shoes! My thing comes from my first time in London, day before I was leaving so I had everything all packed I got mugged at knife point and the jerk took ALL my identification including passport and tickets. I'm lucky I was traveling with a friend or I wouldn't have been able to go anywhere at all. She had to swear I was who I said I was before they'd give me an emergency passport. I basically belonged to her for almost a day cause anyone would have believed her over me all because she could prove her identity.

On a positive note, not only did I meet my main goal of being under 220 by today, but I met my mini goal of being at 215 by today as well! I'm 215.0!! Yaaay! I know it'll be more when I get weighed at the appointment cause I'll have clothes on and will have ate, but I still made it! :D

Hooe everyone is well.
OMG girls isn't any wonder why we are the way we are about being in crowds or public places. Pip that was terrible, how very dare that person think he had the right to do such a thing.............. and Jenna that is terrible hun..........so scarey........ I have had similar situations, and to this day still don't leave home alone. I do wonder what this world is we live in, how others think its ok for the to violate our space and ultimately violate or minds for years and years to come..........

anyway hunni huge congrats on the loss and making the targets wd wd wd :) amazing keep it up x x x x
Thanks both, yeah it's sad really because for him it was a cheap thrill but it's stayed with me for two years but will be with me for the rest of my life. The worst thing was is that when I turned around all I could see was a sea of blokes with their backs to me, so I had no idea who had done it. Believe me, had I known they would have have been kicked to the ground. I'm not a violent person but in times of need haha...

God Jenna that is horrendous, I bet that took some getting past! You're a strong woman that's for sure. Keeping busy is a good plan, nothing wrong in that.

Eeeek I'm so happy for you reaching a mini goal. GO GIRL. You're gonna be a skinny minnie soooo soon :) x
So today was my 2 month post op appointment. I weighed in this morning (just to check) and I was at 215lbs (as I said earlier) so I smashed my goal for the day. Got to my appointment and when Mr Sutton called me back he honestly did a double-take and said, 'Woah, I didn't even recognise you. No need to ask how you're doing.' lol :D Must say I grinned like crazy at that. Then we did weigh-in and I was at 216lbs! When I went to my consultation last November he said that I was 10 times more likely to die prematurely than my husband, today he said I only need to lose 2kg more to be in the 'normal' range for the same statistic! According to him, I just need to do a big poo. lol :D And he said I could do whatever I want foodwise as long as I keep listening to my stomach. I can drink AND eat at the same time if that's how I want to do it. He's impressed with my exercise amounts. The only bad part was when he brought up the supplements. :( I must say, I'm finding it really difficult to remember to take them. Must work on that. Otherwise it has been a good day. I finished refurbishing an old dresser into a cat box to hide it in, we finished painting the guest room and ordered the new carpet which will be in on Monday (anyone wants a night away, can come test it out for us). ;) Now it's sleep time. Quite tired now. Hope every one else is well. :)