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July 2014 Surgeries

Yay nothing beats your own surroundings for a speedy recovery
I can't wait. Mums coming over to mine for a sleep over for a week ish as I live on my own. I cannot wait for my own kingsize bed!! X
Yay!!! :D

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Enjoy being back at home!!! :)
Glad alls ok with you now Sophia. Hope ur not to sore and getting plenty of rest. x

Northampton girl. Thanks for the tips. I,v borrowed some box sets of series i,v been meaning to watch. Thats helped. 8 more days to go and counting!!!!!!.
Hi everyone.
As if the op followed by becoming lactose intolerant added to all the other medical conditions was not enough. I have developed a painful throat this afternoon it was getting worse just looked in my mouth and I have developed oral thrush! scream anybody else had this post op? Do I just nip to the chemist and try to treat myself or do I need to visit my GP? Not sure with the fluid diet what to do.
Surgery was abandoned due to lap band erosion. I was advised that the band had eroded all the way through my stomach causing some leakage, peritonitis. They said I'm lucky to be alive.

The band had to be cut out of the stomach and I'll probably need at least one extra night in hospital.

The band has, obviously, been removed.
Surgery was abandoned due to lap band erosion. I was advised that the band had eroded all the way through my stomach causing some leakage, peritonitis. They said I'm lucky to be alive. The band had to be cut out of the stomach and I'll probably need at least one extra night in hospital. The band has, obviously, been removed.

Holy crap, that's a major bummer mate. I'm just glad you're okay.

So what are the next steps......?

Look after yourself.
Hi everyone.
As if the op followed by becoming lactose intolerant added to all the other medical conditions was not enough. I have developed a painful throat this afternoon it was getting worse just looked in my mouth and I have developed oral thrush! scream anybody else had this post op? Do I just nip to the chemist and try to treat myself or do I need to visit my GP? Not sure with the fluid diet what to do.

On no, you poor thing. I guess eating some yoghurt is now out the question...could you head to Boots and get some of those tablets that cure it from the inside? I know they have worked quickly for me and a more female type of thrush before! I'm wondering if there's something you could gargle to help the pain and scratchy feeling? What a pain! Look after yourself.
So very sorry to hear that Marcus. Hope they sort you out for this set back and a way forward can be found for you quickly
Surgery was abandoned due to lap band erosion. I was advised that the band had eroded all the way through my stomach causing some leakage, peritonitis. They said I'm lucky to be alive. The band had to be cut out of the stomach and I'll probably need at least one extra night in hospital. The band has, obviously, been removed.

Oh gosh, thank god you went for the surgery and got the band out!

I hope you're okay!

Sending love xx

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Thanks Stacy with the problems of fluid diet not sure about tablets mine all have to be crushed. The gargling sounds a good idea. Thanks again my problem seem to pale when I read what happened to Marcus
Oh no Marcus :-( hope you are ok. Hope you sort your problem soon wireman.

Looking for some post op advice, so far I have lived off water and diluted fruit juice but I seem to be sipping all day every day with some sips hurting as they go down. Am I doing something wrong?
So sorry marcus hope you get sorted soon

Sophia take time between sips I used to allow 1 minute between each or it could be that hot/cold drinks some people get pain from 1 or the other try varying what you drink see if that helps
sorry to hear that Marcus :(

id go and ask the dr wireman..

no problems Rach, I'm just getting into Suits and find its helping. Ive also started selling some unwanted things and make £285 in two days!

Sophia, just drink what you can Hun, you're still very early post op and your body is recovering. Since the op ive found I can drink fine and nothing hurts to go down... But then sometimes i get a bad cramping feeling in mg stomach afterwards

I finally had my staples removed this morning... Healing nicely, and weight loss slow but going down.. Finally the fog has lifted, and can enjoy being creative with food, and go out there to build my confidence up...hope all post ops out there are doing fine, and all pre ops good luck x
Hi being taken to the doctors this afternoon. I am now yellow, weak, blood pressure dropped through the floor, the trots, nose running all the time. According to the neighbours I look like death warmed up.
Hi being taken to the doctors this afternoon. I am now yellow, weak, blood pressure dropped through the floor, the trots, nose running all the time. According to the neighbours I look like death warmed up.

Oh no :-( let us know how you get on Hun