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July 2014 Surgeries

It's strange how restriction works. Recently my pouch has been feeling tighter than it did immediately after surgery. While I'm losing weight faster I'm not sure if this is entirely good (losing about 8kg/month). (Note: I had two stage surgery in July and December and the pouch since December).
It's strange how restriction works. Recently my pouch has been feeling tighter than it did immediately after surgery. While I'm losing weight faster I'm not sure if this is entirely good (losing about 8kg/month). (Note: I had two stage surgery in July and December and the pouch since December).

How can you feel your pouch? I can honestly say, I've had mine a year now, I've never 'felt' it.
Sometimes in the morning there's a certain feeling that I associate with the pouch. Also when eating there's a sensation which stops me eating after a few bites or it gets painful.
How much are you managing restriction wise now? I worry ALL the time that I'm eating too much and will stretch my tummy x

hey hun,
don't get me started! lol...
i've always felt that i eat too much, but people have told me i dont!
just had one weatabix for breakfast,
have a brown sandwich thin with dairylea light and a slice of chicken for lunch
i have a snack size bag of snack a jacks to eat throughout the day
and will probably have almost a whole weight watchers ready meal tonight..............
hey hun,
don't get me started! lol...
i've always felt that i eat too much, but people have told me i dont!
just had one weatabix for breakfast,
have a brown sandwich thin with dairylea light and a slice of chicken for lunch
i have a snack size bag of snack a jacks to eat throughout the day
and will probably have almost a whole weight watchers ready meal tonight..............

I've always been able to eat LOADS more than you girls (maybe as I'm a Sleeve and you are bypassers).

Although my restriction IS good! I just tend to graze instead of meals.

That being said, our losses are pretty much the same (I'm just a bit slower at losing) lol

I've always been able to eat LOADS more than you girls (maybe as I'm a Sleeve and you are bypassers). Although my restriction IS good! I just tend to graze instead of meals. That being said, our losses are pretty much the same (I'm just a bit slower at losing) lol xx

I'm a sleever hun x
Morning guys,

It's been another busy social weekend, I have a new lease of life where I am always out doing something. I love it.

Todays weigh in -
Weight loss since June 1st - 12st 7lbs
Weight loss since op - 10st 4lbs
Loss this week - 2lbs

I cannot believe I've got from a starting weight of 30st 3lbs to now weighing 17st 9lbs, this is just mental to me!! Ive nearly halved in 10 months.

Well done Sophia you are doing amazing just believe in yourself and love your new self
Morning guys,

It's been another busy social weekend, I have a new lease of life where I am always out doing something. I love it.

Todays weigh in -
Weight loss since June 1st - 12st 7lbs
Weight loss since op - 10st 4lbs
Loss this week - 2lbs

I cannot believe I've got from a starting weight of 30st 3lbs to now weighing 17st 9lbs, this is just mental to me!! Ive nearly halved in 10 months.


Wow! Well done Sophia, you have done amazing! xx
Monday weigh in
Todays weight - 16st 9lb
Weight loss since last weigh in - 6lb
Weight loss since op - 8st 10lb
Weight loss since pre op - 9st 11lb
Well done Sam
Thanks hun. How are you getting on? X

Hi Sophia doing OK I guess not as good as all you I seem to have hit a three month stall going Birmingham tomorrow for my one year check think I need them to kick start me again I tried and failed nothing is working right now
Hi Sophia doing OK I guess not as good as all you I seem to have hit a three month stall going Birmingham tomorrow for my one year check think I need them to kick start me again I tried and failed nothing is working right now

Good luck for your appointment. Be completely honest with them, I am sure so many people have the same. They are sure to give you some ideas to kick start it.

Now tell me if I am mad but I don't want to be smaller than a size 14 - mainly because at a 16-18 I am happy but just want another 2st off. I think if I go beyond that the skin will get really bad and I will then be unhappy again - does that make sense?? So I'm now at te point I think at my year check up I will be asking how to maintain. Has anyone ever done this? Is it possible to stop your body from becoming too small x