free your spirit
Anyway I have three separate appts. the first for the Bariatric Nurse at 13.30
The second for the Dietician at 14.30
And the third for the Psychologist at 15.30
They are not until the 18th August, which is three months away but that is okay gives me more time to get my head together.
Also had to chuckle to myself as when I counted on the calendar, if they put me on the milk diet, which is what the L use and it is seemingly for 6 weeks, it will take me nicely into my holiday, would you adam and eve it lol :17729:so no chocolate for me on holiday boo hoo!!
However we all have to suffer for our art!!!
I am sure it will go really quickly and it wont be too long before I am nervous about going up there lol:silly:
Love Jay xx