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Kat's Bander weigh in and diary thread

Good luck today x

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Ah, I was running late and got really bad stomach ache so the scales were the last thing on my mind LOL

Been a crazy week, no gym but lots of housework and cleaning and furniture moving, but I dont feel as if I've lost. But, will weigh in tomorrow instead :)
Bless you , good luck tomorrow then x

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Your date must be soon ;) have fun x
Happy operation anniversary for tomorrow , 1 whole year and you've done amazing :)

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thank you :)

We are in Turkey on holiday and its been a time that I wished I had restriction from my band :(

I'm expecting when we return that I've put on about 7lbs :(

Please don't worry about it , it's nothing that wont come off again whatever it is and I'm sure it won't be as much as that just enjoy your week and don't worry about it till you get back xxx

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I'm home, but forgot to weigh in today. Have no idea what day of the week it even was, I know though that I put 8lb on during the holiday and I'm actually struggling with the mindset it has placed me in.

I am due for a fill next week which to god, I hope gives me some restriction, I have gone from feeling hungry nearly most of the time to feeling hungry ALL of the time including after I've eaten.

I just wish, for once, that a fill will give me some restriction, but the holiday has also shown to me, how darn quickly the weight can go on and that having that freedom doesn't work.

I am not in a good place in my thoughts right now and trying to make positive choices, today they bought cakes into the office and I've declined, but my head is screaming 1lb more won't matter . . .crooked thinking I know and I am glad I can see it for what it is.

I am just keeping fingers crossed that my fill will help, Im at 10.25 mls in a 14ml band, and wow, you'd think a year on there would be some restriction. But, whereas its all been done via willpower, my willpower is still lounging on the beach in turkey with a kebab and a cocktail.

Its crap. I'm feeling crap. Blegh lol

(post holiday serious blues!)
So sorry your struggling Hun if its an consolation Iam the same with restriction till the last week and now I feel sick every time I eat (don't stop me eating tho lol) and I keep getting constipation starting to worry a bit something's wrong but I dunno what it could be either way I'm gratefull for a bit of restriction but I fear it won't last long :/

8lb isn't to bad Hun it will soon drop off again I pray your fill helps

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It's terrible how we can feel so out of control so quickly. You have immense willpower and as you say, your willpower has got you this far, I have no doubt that willpower, will kick that 8 lb's butt (you already declined cakes!).

It's coming back to reality. Holidays are so lovely, you just relax and then boom! you're home and its reality very quickly and it's back to the hard work again.

I hope you find that focus quick and lets hope that fill gets some restriction for you and gives you a helping hand. Fingers crossed!
Denial – one of the most difficult things when you have weight issues. For so long I denied my weight, my size and the issues. For so long I battled and then I’m on track to lose. Going on holiday and taking a month off logging, watching what I ate to the mouthful and hitting th gym 6-7 days a week had a negative effect, not only on the scales as I gained 11 ½ lb but also on my mindset.

I returned from holiday on the 26th august to see I had gained 10lbs. I weighed again the next day and had gained another 1 ½ lbs.

To say I was gutted would be an understatement.

However it placed me into a really bad mindset for a good few days. Food has been a comfort throughout my life and it is crap how some things don’t change.

But, it took me a couple of days to realise, that it wasn’t the end of the world. That it is important to find a balance with dieting, with exercise and weight loss, I looked at the positives of the past month and knew that I had to get back on track.

When I was on holiday the airplane belt not only fitted but I could shorten it . ..LOADS

The lap tray came down in front of me, not touching me and I could even slide it closer. I’ve not been able to do that for all of my adult life!

We went tubing down the river – this time last year I wouldn’t even wear a costume let alone have fitted into a tube!

We had fun, on the beach, at the pool, swimming. No longer having to hide.

So, I put on 11lbs, so what. I’m back on track and have already lost 7lbs in a week. Life is for living. I need to hold on to the positives.

This has been a real learning experience for me, I can see what habits haven’t changed or at least linger in the background waiting to jump! I can see what I need in terms of control and that taking time off is not good for me, but I can also see that when the focus is there, it really is there and I can do it. I can!

But more so, I am not going to deny the weight gain and as of today I've just changed my ticker here to reflect the increase . . .and will be logging what I've lost since. I will not continue to deny! its what got me into trouble for so long . . .

onwards and downwards!

So, on the 27th August I register a 11lb gain, I got back on track last Friday 30th August as I was still at 11lb then :(

However, 5th September one week of back on track and I'm registering a 7lb loss this week.

Aiming to get back to the 10 stone overall loss by my birthday on the 27th.

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You're such a positive example to us - fantastic that you've already shifted 7lb that you gained. You should be so proud - to me you're one of the most successful people on here - well done xx
Tk honest and now back in control. So right,denial is a lot of the problem for many of us. The old demons don't totally go in my opinion, but how we deal with them can change though ... As you said, onwards and downwards! Xxx
this is very true!

Im feeling frustrated with my band in relation to the sheer lack of restriction. But I'm dealing with that now too

One of the hard things I think with my band is that it hasn't taken away my hunger – I see and hear of people who say they don't feel hungry, that after a fill they cannot eat or eat half a chicken breast and are full. I have NEVER had that and still do not. I attended birmingham tuesday tho for a fill and hearing me say out loud about my weight gain brought back those feelings of self disgust and still struggling to get past the negative into the positive and the fact that I've lost 10 stone with a band.

We discussed at length however the lack of sheer restriction from my band, that my fills have been very spaced out through choice, but how perhaps now it is important now being over 10mls in my band, that they are closed together so they can be smaller to find that illusive sweet spot.

I don't know what it is like to have restriction from the band, for those hunger feelings to not be there. My holiday was a reminder of just what I can eat and the amounts, but it proved to me that what I've done so far in losing, is achieving it through my own mindset, my own focus and MY CHOICES rather than it being down to the band. As such, it is now time for it to start giving me a helping hand, so I'm due back in 2 weeks for a further fill and am hoping that finally I will be on track and the band becoming the part of this that I envisaged 12 months ago.

But, 7lb down this week – I will take that. Only 4lb left to go to be where I was and well . . .I need to admit it, put it out there . . .I'm not going to deny what has happened or how crap it made me feel. I feel bad enough about my saggy skin blegh!!!!

hopefully this recent fill of 0.5mls will help and then go back on the 17th to get another, it seems my recent personal choice of not rushing my fills or having them too close together has been an issue, whereas if I am close to that "sweet spot" having a small fill closer will help to find it.

Fingers crossed as I've not found it yet lol

Also, I got stumped today, it rained. I picked up my coat to walk the dogs and realised it wrapped itself all around me and some LOL

reminder to self, I am no longer a size 26 and the other coat I had was a plus size 34 LOL

Um . . .need size 16 coat please LOL
Also, I got stumped today, it rained. I picked up my coat to walk the dogs and realised it wrapped itself all around me and some LOL

reminder to self, I am no longer a size 26 and the other coat I had was a plus size 34 LOL

Um . . .need size 16 coat please LOL

That's a funny image - weather changing is good excuse to shop for more clothes x
Yay that's great news and here here we all need to remember how far we've come x

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Good to hear you feeling a bit more positive. Well done.
I did just laugh to myself at the image of you trying on your coat!! what a wonderful feeling though!

Keep up the good work Kat, you have come so far and you are an inspiration to us all
