I've been in there ages today, we talked a lot about the band, the issues and the complete lack of restriction. She was explaining the type of pain that I would feel if food got stuck etc with restriction and all of the things she asked, I answered "no, not experienced that"
Then she asked me if after any of my fills had I been able to feel a difference at the time when drinking the water or when it was being done. And I hadn't.
So they decided to do a diaphragmatic fill.
I was at 11mls in my band. They couldn't find the port, so 5 needles later they were finally in - they put in 0.5mls and then made me sit up and drink - couldn't feel any real difference. So while sitting up, they then proceeded to put in another 0.5mls.
They wouldn't normally go anywhere near putting in 1ml at this point but she said she wanted me to feel the difference so put in some extra, said she wouldn't leave it in but so I could see that restriction was possible.
As it was, when she had put a full ml in, I was still able to drink but I could actually feel a difference, I felt it "sit" and then proceed through the band - something I have not really had and certainly not at this point. I had a difficult time back in March mid fills when everything went super tight but disappeared overnight, and they think that was as a result of doing something exercise wise.
Anyway, she decided that because I was tolerating the water but could feel a difference, she was going to leave the whole 1ml in my band.
So, I'm now at 12mls. She said that I should be able to have portions about a quarter of what I've been having and that it should *should* help with the hunger issues.
We did discuss the amount of exercise I'm doing and that it has increased my hunger, but she said with this amount in the band, it should help. I shouldn't have a need after eating to continue to eat, shouldn't still feel hungry and well . . .we shall see as they have been saying that for months LOL
But, I felt a difference when she was filling the band and that was the first time EVER lol
I'm struggling mind set wise with regards to how I look and feel. I'm struggling mindset wise with regards to my skin. I've booked an appointment with the GP but its not for 10 days. I've got skin issues, severe itching and a continual pain in my lower back and hips where my skin drops down so much.
So, I need to get positively in place with my band . . .and hoping that this fill will help.
what I don't want is for it to be too tight. So now that I'm back in the office, I'm just going to attempt a cup of milky coffee to see how it goes. Didn't want to risk drinking in the car in case it made a re-appearance
So, keeping everything crossed.