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Kat's Bander weigh in and diary thread

Well done on your 3lb!!!

I can't believe you were made to feel like what youve achieved wasn't good enough.... Jeez, if I lose what you lose, I will be swinging from their chandeliers..... Naked!


Perhaps you could post some inspirational photo's ?
I've lost 1lb this week. And while I have now hit 9 stone loss on the nose, I cannot lie and say Im not disappointed by only losing 1lb.

I was hoping that I'd have gone into the 14's where I was actually on my mid week weigh in, but I'd put 1/4lb back on and so 15 on the nose. However in saying that, my son has been poorly all week, so apart from the dog walking and activities around the house such as gardening etc I have only been to the gym once in 2 weeks. I haven't been swimming for a couple of months.

Its been a stressful week, my fill of last week hasn't once again, made any difference to the hunger at all, and some days, it can be really difficult not to reach for a bit of "food comfort".

I need to focus on the positives
- the fact that I've lost 9 stone.
- I've lost almost 9 dress sizes.
- I have just bought a top which is a 14 and while it is a little tight, it wont be long until it fits.
- I'm fitting into more 16's by the day, something I've never done
- I am just all round better off than I was 9 months ago . . .

But, the head still does the battle of "its not enough".

When I get through the stress over my son and make sure he is ok and sorted healthwise, my focus will return to my weight loss. I may even consider WW or SW, but having tried and them not worked before, I'm hesitant to do so.

PLus this week would be the TOTM if I didn't have my coil, so its possible that I'm also suffering from a bit of water retention. But even with ALL of these positives and they are . . . .getting rid of that niggling thought in the head of "its not enough" or "you're failing" isn't easy!

I've always been very aware that the band is around the stomach and not the brain, but it is hard and yet so easy to see that when I am so worried about my DS, the focus that I had, has gone and I need to find some ways of getting that back. Having very little restriction from the band doesn't help at times such as this, but neither do I want to push it too much when I now have 10mls in my 14ml band . . .

Blegh I'm just tired.

Burst radiator in the kitchen last night, which in effect drained the boiler - it now won't stay filled. Flooded kitchen which has lifted my flooring. I've had neighbour issues who damaged all my fencing and a couple of months ago my house got hit by a BT telegraph pole - insurance company battles have only just been resolved, but still not sorted out all the damage. I came out to a flat tyre on the car the other day (no sign of anything stuck in it and its possible that it was the neighbours!)

I'm tired. I'm drained. And our holiday to Turkey in August cannot come quick enough - just its a shame its to a country where they are now demonstrating and fighting . . .thankfully it isn't in the area we will be, so we can still go . . .but nothing seems straight forward right now

About sums up my luck!
So sorry your having a tough week but a lb is still really good especially of you've been struggling with head vs stomach hunger don't beat yourself up we all have bad weeks my eatings not been great lately but as soon as the weathers got muggy I'm finding it hard to eat anything so it's one in my favour :) but I'm sure it won't last long

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Thanks hun,

The head is an ongoing battle as we all know. I set myself a mini goal to be in the 14's by the end of June, hell I'm only 6lb off a target I set myself to reach by August 15th, but, I had hoped I'd be in the 14's this week and I wasn't and even though I have another 10 days of the month, its just one of those "good but not good enough" weeks!

I know the stress of my son and everything house related is piling up, I've had 3 migraines this week and because Ive been so drained and havent wanted to cook separately for me, I haven't and then hunger hits late evening and I "pick". yes its on prawns and ham and things, but, hmmmm.

I think I need to go back to the food diary where it was averaging a 3lb a week loss and take some days from there and see if that will get me on track with planning, thoughts and what I'm doing lol
I understand what you mean I hoped to hit 8st loss this week and didn't 1lb off :( but I have it to look forward to next week instead , whatever your doing keep doing it its obviously working xxx

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The nearer you get to your ideal weight the harder it can become. Tk you are supportive when others say they have lost a pound ... As 1-2lbs a week is the recommended level... Bet some of those banders not losing, I am sure would swap your one pound off for their stay the same ;)

It's probably hormones as well as everything else ... Making you feel this way (I still get all the hormonal suff and swelling etc even though I too have the coil). Tomorrow is another day, next week is another week ... But both of them are 9 stones less than a year ago! Celebrate the positives xxx as its gonna get harder when your head has to swing into maintaining mode :rolleyes:
The nearer you get to your ideal weight the harder it can become. Tk you are supportive when others say they have lost a pound ... As 1-2lbs a week is the recommended level... Bet some of those banders not losing, I am sure would swap your one pound off for their stay the same ;)

It's probably hormones as well as everything else ... Making you feel this way (I still get all the hormonal suff and swelling etc even though I too have the coil). Tomorrow is another day, next week is another week ... But both of them are 9 stones less than a year ago! Celebrate the positives xxx as its gonna get harder when your head has to swing into maintaining mode :rolleyes:

I do hear you and I know its 1-2lb a week. I also know that this is my "crooked thinking" in terms of how my own brain sees and thinks about me, in terms of "failure" and that is something no amount of bands, or no type of WLS is going to resolve. I am very conscious of it and I am working hard on it, and I know a 1lb loss is a 1lb loss and I've lost 9 stone LOL

I think its just the stress of everything else that is happening, my son, the house, work, and now my boiler and its just a never ending stuff of crap which is preventing me from getting to the gym and Im not liking the feeling its giving me.

I'm still a good few stone off maintaining levels LOL and yes, I know you're right and I hear you and 1lb is great - I need to be supportive to myself too! Thank you for that reminder hun :)

Hope you are feeling a little happier today. Just to put a smile on your face ... Similar to our zero/miracle noodles Product Range I ordered some of these to try today on offer at £8 ... For those days when I can eat more than a couple of thousand calories ... It'd be rude not to try chocolate if its slimming :rolleyes:
Hope you are feeling a little happier today. Just to put a smile on your face ... Similar to our zero/miracle noodles Product Range I ordered some of these to try today on offer at £8 ... For those days when I can eat more than a couple of thousand calories ... It'd be rude not to try chocolate if its slimming :rolleyes:

be interesting to know what its like hun . . .
Well, its a 1lb this week. Actually I put a lb on over the weekend for some damn bizarre reason and then I've lost 2lb, but 1lb overall. I really don't know what is going on right now, I seem to be losing and gaining the same couple of lb!

I still havent been able to get to the gym, although my son is now feeling better and finally went back to school this week, but I've now got the gardeners/builders in, doing the repair work from when the house got hit by a telegraph pole before Easter and also sorting out the rest of the jungle/garden. Still finally work underway and getting there . . .but it means I can't head to the gym afterwork. Still getting in a good hours walk a day, but it isn't enough obviously.

I am going to gym on saturday morning, as we are heading to Wembley saturday afternoon to see Robbie Williams, and sunday I am going to force myself to go to the other gym to go swimming. I may even use the gym while Im there for a bit too!

I'm 6lb off my target for August 15th.

But . . .

I bought a SIZE 14 top this weekend, actually I bought 4 LOL I was so shocked to fit into a 14 I bought 4 (transfer that addiction from food to clothes! lol) but then when I wore one it really showed to me how bad the skin is on my arms :( I caught a glimpse in the mirror when I get home yesterday and thought OMG I shouldn't have been let out looking that vile! It is a strange thing that 10 months ago, I would wander out at 24 stone, in clothes 10 sizes bigger than the 14's and not overly think about it. I've been big all of my life and my head is kinda struggling with the differences to how I am in size, but I didn't think that the skin would bother me. It has done from the early days around my stomach and thighs, but it really hit me yesterday how bad the arms are :(

I have already bagged them up to go back to the shop.

And I am now finally into the 14 stones though . . .

So, I am determined that even if things aren't good and even if more so I am not feeling good about how I am doing/looking, (and that is a battle no wls will ever solve!) but I will find and hold on to positives. Even if I think I look vile, at least it is in a 14/16 and not a 34/36!

As far as my band goes. I am now at 10mls. However, my hunger levels continue to not be helped at all by the band and I could still eat a horse. As such, I have to admit to being a little disappointed in this respect because if I wasn't controlling and physically making choices about what I eat and the amounts then I wouldn't be losing at all. The band reminds me its there with certain foods, but it certainly for me, continues to not stop the hunger and even if I eat a meal I rarely feel full up!

I can see these last few stones, being a real battle, not only in losing them, but also the battle in my head about the self image. Strange how it is something that is bothering me more now I have lost weight, than it particularly did before. I do like the fact that I "blend" in to the crowd however, the lack of attention, people staring and commenting, suits me just fine!
Yay well done on being in the 14's and the size 14 and for your 1lb loss your doing great ;)

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Well done on the 14's , it's good isn't it.

I know what you mean about the last bit slowing down! My losses are nowhere near as good as yours but I still don't have the restriction and going on willpower a lot. But it's still moving slowly and I am happy with this. I am enjoying life, wine and holidays!

The loose skin is not a 'big' problem for me up to now. I have a bit but have used tightening lotions from the start and they do seem to be working. I also have just started with body wraps! I have had 2 upto now and have lost an inch off each arm, 4 off stomach and hips, can't remember how much on thighs etc but at least 2 inches, they also tighten my skin.

Keep going we nearly there x
So, very bizarre this week.

Still no gym or swimming, still major neighbour issues which has meant that I've had to be at home with the builders etc so its stopped me getting there. Doing lots of stuff around house, cleaning, gardening and of course an hour walk minimum a day . . .

This week I've lost 4lb.

Don't know how, don't know where it's gone, I stepped on the scales 4 times, got my son to step on a couple of times to check and yes, it was right. It's actually 4 1/4 but I only log full lbs, but gotta be happy with that one :D

Have only 1lb left of the holiday target to lost with 6 weeks exactly to go. I know it maybe pushing it, but I'd love to get down into the 13's in that time, so although its a little high, hoping for a 9lb loss in the 6 weeks :D

Hopefully things slowly getting sorted at home, nice high fence blocking out the darn awful nasty neighbours, so that if things quieten down a bit, hopefully next week its back to the gym.

60 metres of fencing to paint at the weekend tho, and the new shed . .gotta help with the bingo wings which are more awful every day . . .

But I'll take 4lb, and after the past few disappointing weeks I'm more than happy, strange that nothing is different this week compared to the others . . .life is strange!
So proud if you well done :)

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Great news, well done Kat. Sometimes our bodies hold onto it for a few weeks the you have a big loss (or a whoosh week as I call it for some reason lol) Also all that housework and gardening is working out in just in a different way to the gym.

Good luck with the painting this weekend - the weather is supposed to be good so let's hope it holds out

whoosh week! I like that lol
That's fab! So pleased for you. You continue to inspire me and so many others on here!

Weather is supposed to be great at weekend so at least you will get a tan whilst painting! :)

Justine x
thank you, I've just come in from spending 6 hours painting this evening, I ache from head to toe, but wow, how nice that I can do it and bend down to reach, but, I haven't even thought about food. Haven't even made it to having breakfast yet lol
Hey Hun , how are you doing ?

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I'm doing ok hun, been a bit of an odd time. Last week I put on 3lbs and lost 3lbs all in one week (had put on3lb over the weekend although god knows why as I hadn't eaten poorly) so I finished last week with a 0 loss.

This week, I've hit the gym, the new manager has upped my programme to HUGE levels to work on toning and general fitness, she is also going to work with those exercises and what I eat so they compliment each other to aid towards more weight loss.

I have however lost 1lb this week.

On a side note and the positives . . .

I sent myself a target in Jan to lose 50lb by my holiday in 15th august - I've achieved that 50lb loss 4 weeks early.

I had my review at the gym and I've not gone below a 40% body fat, having lost 10% in the last 11 weeks. I've also lost another 14 inches and a total 3 stone since my last review.

Fitted into my first size 12 blouse, and now fit into several 14s quite easily, still around an 18 at my waist but this is where I carried all of my weight and still do, along with about 3 stone of dangling skin!

So loss is definitely slowing, and I've worked darn hard this week (can hardly move the muscles in my arms and shoulders lol) but I'm feeling good, would just like a couple of weeks of a 2-3lb loss, would love to hit my 10 stone loss by surgiversary :)

Hope you're doing ok?!