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Leaking like the Titanic..

Been in to see consultant. Tumors are benign no need to remove. Don't know why can't eat without anti sickness. Want to give more medication to "try" help in addition to the meteoclopramide, cyclizine, andanzatron, buscopan. Down and out right refused this. Asked what the problem is, what they going to do to find out and put it right. Still no notes - he wiill find them! Funny they've all been doing so since january - this clown might be a medical director but he's still a clown.

He states there is no mechanical problem swallow test from november shows emptying correctly, no leaks etc. Might be a physical problem. Won't divulge what that means but his colleague - a specialist gastroenterologist is in clinic today if I can wait to see him will be around 30mins or so. So I'm waiting.. And waiting.. And the longer I wait the more confused and hurt I feel. If he doesn't know what the prob is or how to fix it - not the first time he's told me this - year ago it was I can't fiix you I'm sorry.. At the time I was dying. Ok I'm not now but still don't make it any blinkin better!

My opinion now is if they can't fix it they shouldn't do it. All I can say is thank god I didn't pay him to butcher me privately. Where on earth would I be now? Lucky to be alive in thousands of pounds of debts? Dead? Not leaving here until I've gotten answers from this specialist bloke/lady from the QE.
Shocking Scooter hope you manage dsome more answers absolutely disgusting xx I got my job subject to references xxx
Didn't get to see the gastroentorologist - appointment in post. 2 days anti sickness left then I'm on my own. I said I don't want to take drugs to be able to drink etc.. And told he is a surgeon and would need colleague to prescribe relevant drugs. GP won't prescribe as not happy to due to further probs can cause, consultant surgeon won't prescribe either. Been told if I regress and go back to how I was a month ago and sick after water to present myself at A&E immediately for medical attention. When asked what exactly, advised "administration of possible iv fluids or antisickness.." Well wow..

To top it all. Surgeon I saw couldn't remember me despite probs and told me not to worry "things will right themselves in a year or so". I had to sit there briefing HIM about my medical history of leak, bleeds, collapsing lungs, failing organs, life support machines, feeding tubes, nil by mouth, torture, stress, emotional and physical anguish and pain to be told today "I can't fix you" yet again.

Appointment for specialist in post. Kinda like the one that goesd "cheques in the post".. Went back to work, had a 5 minute meltdown/chat with my manager and told not to worry she supports me and offered to come to next appointment if I want her to.

Woohoo go Chrisa! Told you they'd be a fool not to employ you :) when would you start?
Hi Scooter soo pleased your boss has offered to come with you, you do need the support. Its time to get a second opinion. I think if you still in otuch with that solicitor its time for another visit, thye dont seem to know which way to turn.

Well the job is subject to my references then I will need a new CRB check so at least a fortnight. I went to job centre app yesterday and have signed up for jobseekers, of course its the one where you dont get free scripts, teeth n glasses all of which i was planning to sort out boy are we lucky girls. NOT!!!!!! I wILL HAVE ENOUGH STAMPS TO GET £72 A WEEK UNTIL I GET A START DATE. The lad said just to ring if I get a start date and then he will give me a finish date he was really good and impressed with my CV and job hunting to date, especially as i have had 2 interviews. So keep up with job hunting just in case things go pearsaped which is story of my life and yours of course. Ha xx One of these days you and I will come pout on top. Just not sure what year it will be. Ha x

Lets hope the sickness settles down and you can keep eating. xxx Have agreat weekend xx

My what a horrible time you have had bless you:cry: I have read most posts but as there is so many I would be reading till kingdom come ..... can I just ask is the reason this happened to you due to negligence when performing the sleeve or is just one of those things that can happen during surgery? it really scares me.
I really do hope your ok x x x x
Ive had a letter from my surgical team this week who are confirming I have been transferred for further assistance with specialist gastroenterologists at the Queen Elizabeth hospital and Sandwell DGH for "further studies" as they now advise the reason I can eat some days and cant on some others is due to stomach pressure which would kind of make sense.

My understanding is the pressure in your stomach is determines by the space and therefore the Bougie used in theatre. Once a certain size is used the seam is supposed to be over sewn. If not the stomach pressure can cause tears, leaks, bursts and bleeds.

Its now thought that this is the reason for my problems. Moving on from there, my stomach is now not the original size from surgery due to revisions. Ive asked the important questions.. will and can this happen again? ie tears/leaks etc.. and how do we fix the "too much pressure" issue.

The answer?? "We dont know.." so yeah. Whilst theres a movement closer to acceptance for me as Im 900000000000000 percent certain I did everything i should and nothing wrong, I now no longer have faith in my team.

Ive speant just under a year panicking Im still leaking. Few months short lived pleasure and enjoyment that Im not, and now I feel nervous as Im a potential ticking time bomb for stomach explosion/leaks and could end up being back where I was at any point. Medical neglicence? The initial problem (leak) I dont know.. certainly some negligence, well in my opinion alot of negligence with care and things that followed consequently.

Hopefuly the "studies" will provide an answer and we can fix this - the team and I together without the use of further surgery. They cant make it bigger without something major as the other 95% is in the bin? Whether they convert to a mini bypass, use part of something else to make a bigger stomach I dont know. I dont want to think about it but have come to accept that whatever the outcome its got to be done. I cant go on the rest of my life like this.

On the other token. I am now managing to eat 3 small meals a day now without anti sickness. Some days I feel sick and I dont want to get out of bed, but hey I have to. No choice. Ive been through worse and this is nothing on the scheme of things. I am managing to eat my way through around 90g salad, consisting of lettuce, grated carrot, onion, 2 tablespoons congiatelle pasta shells and either a little grated cheese and bacon with half a boiled egg or a little chicken.

looking at it, its nothing. But compared to how things were, its a giant leap. I still have days where I wake up, drink water and am sick. I have days where I can drink a pint as soon as i wake up and several cups of tea. Then I have others where my gut rejects water, tea, juice, milk, food, everything and I wont be able to eat for hours or keep fluids in. Then Ill try sipping a little water and it will go in fine? or the water wont go down but mint tea will? Some days I still dont eat. It concerns me. Its not for the lack of I cant be bothered because Im starving! I can wake up be starving, have a spoon of yogurt or porridge or a bite of banana and Im sick. I cant stomach it. Ill get to morning break, famished! Try eating a cracker or something else and sick. Lunch.. mouthful sick. Teatime - a lick of the spoon sick. ITs hard.

At the moment Im feeling more comfortable and happier with things knowing Im eating my salad concoction. even if it takes me all day long. Its progress and whilst thats being made, Ill take it and think of it as a positive step in the right direction.

This is just the risk of the surgery. Its not the easy way some people would have you believe or "risk free". You could lose your life. Compared to the existence I had before my life has improved by million percent in some aspects. Im no longer ridiculed and have to deal with alot of things I did prior. However every day is a challenge. From eating, to drinking, I think more about food more now than ever before.

Would I do it again? Yes and No. Thats just my feelings based on both positive changes (yes) and no with the ongoing issued. in a year I could be cured, living the life I want completely. In a year I could be dead. On the same token, not necesarily the surgery that contributes to it - I could get hit by a bus!

When the studies have taken place and we have more answers and ways to fix the problem, Ill get back to you. At the end of the day the decisions is yours alone to make, and this isnt here to scare you. this is my story and what happened to me. There are hundreds and thousands out there positive trouble free, however for every action theres a reaction or consequence and a darker side and rule to every exception. For some reason this was me. I wish you well and the best of luck with your surgery and look forward to sharing your journey with you. Im sorry mine isnt the bed of roses I wish it had been, but Im thankful its not in one way. Its made me realise alot of important things about me, realisations about my life and what really is important. Its not always the things we think :) God bless x
Very well spoken/written i thoink people do appreciate the truth, it is no good going into this with our eyes shut. We need to know the good and the possibilities of what could be bad, A lot of us are somewhere in the middle between good n bad however you Scooter are right down at the very bad point, and you have fought very very hard and are still fighting pleased thye have actually started with a way forward now. I will say forward becaUSE ANYONE who has fought as hard as you deserves the very best and am sure that it is yet to come xxx

A picture from last night :) feeling good & energised :) what a difference eating makes
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Bless you, I had major problems posy op but absolutely nothing compared to you - and yet you are still positive and smiling.

Love the pic - you look beautiful, happy and healthy. Xx
Hi Annie, sorry to hear you've had problems and unwell, and hope now you've recovered or are well on the way :)

Its been a long week, and it was nice to let my hair down yesterday, cook dinner for a friend and I and just have a nice evening doing nothing. One of the best nights ever :) Lasagne night this week, next week barbecue! (Weather dependant)
oh - such sadness yet you can still find some joy. I'm glad today has been a happier day.

You look amazing in that dress ! For me, wearing a dress still isn't something I can comprehend. Stall week before last, then 3lb off last week. Have definately dropped a dress size (and a bra size). Moving steadily I suppose - but still having a day of feeling fat and frumpy. lol.
Hi Sarah, stalls.. Can only mean a better loss next time :) I have stopped started and stalled more than a dodgy bus! Its frustrating but no doubt youir on the way. Your foots firmly on that ladder rung and you'll get there, just pace yourself :)

Dresses.. Ughhhhh! I have about 9 or so now.. Uhhh yea! Never been a dreSs fan/wearer but I suddenly like them and oddly enough feel good :) strictly limit. Clothes until I went to the Matalan sale. Holy moley! Splurged.. Can't justify £50 on a dress but £3 in the sale ohhh yes! Holiday clobber, summer clobber, work stuff sorted for a while :) bra's.. Oh boy less said about sag-bags the better! I was happy with that part lol

I've started dating (yes another ) and its been nice to go out feel comfy, feminine, a little pretty in my dress. Known him years and he's never seen me in a dress. He was stunned. My younger brother (16) saw the pic on facebook and inboxed me.. "My mate thinks your fit.. But I didn't think people YOUR age was allowed to wear skirts above the knee.." Cheeky little rat!

Letter from Sandwell DGH today pressure tests 15th May and sphincter tests. Tubes in throats through noses etc.. Bleurghhhh ! Spoke to team, still losing weight too much more may see return of NJ tube :(
Can I say LIKE to most - but not all of that ? The tubes and stuff isnt good but at least they're finally TRYING to get you sorted out.

Enjoy the dating. Good to have a bit of fun.

My littleun said to his nursery teacher as I collected him last week " My Mummy is going to get really skinny, and you'll get really fat !"

Actually - he wasnt far out. She's pregnant and got a nice bump coming on...... I'm losing and it IS getting noticable. A friend I hadn't seen in ages noticed a big difference today (her words) as I've lost 3st since I last saw her.

Got to go dry my hair. Not long in from swimming. Taken out a season ticket and aiming for 30 > 40 lengths four nights a week :)
Hi Scooter lots of god news there. Lets hope the nj tube doesn't have to return. Just remember the tests you are gunna have are nothing you haven't already endured and another step closer to the new healthier you to live a normal life where you can eat small regular meals. Have good day Rebecca xxxx
Fair play to you Sarah I can't do 10 lengths of the bath let alone 40 of the pool! Haha kids are funny- my niece randomly tells people when she's with me “my aunty b used to have a big head and belly, but she's always been beautiful.." And my favorite "my aunty b is my girl hero.." On the trampoline today she was trying to get me to do tricks other than jump up and down. When I said I couldn't somersault she goes "but your SLIM NOW and you say you can do ANYTHING you want if you try" breaking my neck in the process is fine to a 5yr old bc "the more you practice the better you get". Wish my words wouldn't get used against me.

As ever Chrisa, thanks x have emergency appointment at clinic thursday 4:45 to discuss things further, weigh in etc. Lost 9lbs since last appointment
Hope it goes well tomorrow then, theres not much you can do about weight loss when you can eat or drink very little at all. Sparrows live on more than you lass. xx Take care and go armed ( I know you will). Time they
listened to your plight xx Kids say the funniest things but they the things that stick in ya head and make you smile n giggle to ya self. x
awww - gotta love them little people.

Trampolining, huh ? We've got one - I reckon I'd break it at the moment never mind somersault.

You're light enough - keep practising ! :p xx
I'm back to eating pretty much nothing, only intake as suchj is fluid. I went back to an appointment with the team on 3rd May and got weighed and have lost more weight. I've abvoided the NJ tube by the skin of my teeth on the basis the dieticien didn't contact me, didn't return my calls etc. So as we haven't "tried" all the options available its all on hold for now.

I did advise if the team thought it essential for me to get the tube there and then I was happy to consent, and would stay in if necessary/return to geyt retubed etc and was told we would try something else first.

I was sent away having spoken to the the dieticien. Bariatric nurse and surgeons with a pile of other suplements to try including fortimel, fortisip, build up soups, porridgey things, yogurts, energy drink shots, alternate brand to fortimel. Guidelines.. Try them over the weekend, make a note of ones that can be tollerated call/email them over today to collect a prescription/supply to get me through till the 15th may when next set of tests to test stomach pressures etc will be carried out. If at appointment there's a major difference even whilst taking the supplements provided, I will be tubed for my own good.

So I carry on doing all I have to do to. Sometimes I'm sick immediatelt after a mouthful, sometimes Its 2. Sometimes I can go back to the same drink/meal and eat more within 5 mins then restriction kicks in after 3 spoons and I have to stop. Sometimes I go back and I'm sick.

I've also invested in some protein shakes, I make one in the morning when I get to work and sip it throughout the morning at work along with my water. Just trying to keep a low profile get my head down and get on with it. Some days are easier than others, some days are a constant battle and bring me down and I try not to let it impact things but I'm so tired right now and can't help it. I've shyed away a little so not to be negative and focus on other things and its worked to a degree.

Just hope your all fine and well :)
Goodness me when will this nightmare end for you? How much more can your poor body take? Just keep trying luvva and hopefully your little sleevie will decide I want that an am guna have it. xx best of luck xx and the forth coming tests. xx If like you say it has to be the nj tube gain then so be it xx take care xx chin up xx