New Member
Thank you so much. Feeling a lot better. Thank you. You've allayed so many fears in one fell swoop and I thank you for that. You read my mind! Xxx
I had a band fitted so not sure how much i can help with your bypass questions but i sure can offer plenty of support and comfort. I to did low cal diet due to intolerance, i found it pretty easy to stick tooh my words.thankyou all so much this site is unbelievable you are all great people.thankyou for offering help you might regret it when I am chewing your ears off.i am in the process of shopping list am not doing the milk diet I am intolerance.i am doing the low carb and I start on wed 26th. will keep in touch with.take care
hmmmmm sorry to say i'm a big wimp and couldn't bring myself to stab myself lolcrystalrsinbow you are a star ! Thanks for your support. The thing i am dreading most is having to give myself needles for a while after. But i am sure when it comes to it i will cope. This site is a great support x
first morning i cried my eyes out :8855: you should have seen it a right old to do sprawled out on sofa with a pinch of belly in my hands hubby sitting over me with needle ready, my head behind a cushion. I kept shouting wait, wait ,wait lol really thought i was going to have to go see the docs too !!! Hubby was a star and i'm sure yours will step up if neededI was hoping my other half would do mine .. But he just laughs when i mention it.. !
Got a doctor next door i suppose i could ask if i struggle ... So i know where u r coming from on the wimp score
I had some blood taken before the op. There's a needle for the cannula too (for the anesthetic) & anti coagulant (i think that's the correct name) daily injections (mine were 5 days) & the fills are done by needle too (not had that one yet though)Needles??? Needles??? I'm having a band. Will I have to do the needle thing? Thought I read something earlier! X
Congrats Lorraine on getting your dateI`ve just had a call from Kings College they have given me my surgery date as Friday 21st March, I`m shaking at the moment not sure why!!!
What are you having done Lorraine ?