Ok, can see it now - very pretty! It's very relaxing isn't it!
Hello all. Checking in to see how everyone is doing. I am ok. Life is settling down a little after the turbulence of the last two years or so. Mr TB is not doing so good and looking after him is the biggest challenge for me right now - that and trying to sort out our new home. We have been here almost a year but most of our stuff is still in boxes. Just cannot yet accept this place as home because of all the problems there have been with it. Need to sort my head out as far as that is concerned. My hernia is still causing huge problems and I hope when I am back at the hospital next month they will tell me they are going to get it sorted because it has gone on long enough now. It is not all doom and gloom. I have been taken off two of my blood pressure meds and I have been the lightest I have been in more years than I can remember. None of my clothes fit but my shopping phobia and lack of funds means I am pinning and belting everthing. I know I need to do something about that too. I have bought bras and that for me has been my biggest measure of success. I am down from a 50N to a 40JJ. Still big on top but better than it was
. I know I can squueze into 16/18 jeans which is better than 30/32. I thought having revision surgery that my loss would be slow and it has been but my body shape has shifted dramatically - which is why I will not go by what the scales say but by how clothes fit. It is fast approaching a year to the anniversary of my second surgery. I know that I can do more to improve my health which is what this has all been about. I have done no exercise of any kind which is bad. I walk more and that is about it. Need to do something about that too
. Hope everyone is ok and it would be nice to hear from my fellow November 2014 oppers. TBx
Hi TB, sorry to read about Mr TB and your hernia, however it is such good news about your weight loss and clothes changes, it is such a boost for morale. I'm fine and slowly losing the pounds. I've lots five stone 6 lbs so far and very pleased, got 2 stone to go before I hit my ideal weight of ten stone. I still find it a daily if not hourly struggle not to eat the wrong foods, plus I do like a drink or too! I don't tend to post much but I do read posts etc when I can. It is so rewarding to read how well others are doing. Keep in touch and keep up the good work x
Do not feel a failure. You have done well and this is not a race but the rest of our lives. It does not matter how long it takes to get there as long as we get there! When you see your team tell them how you are feeling. I am sure they will reassure you. Take care Willow.Hi TB
Sorry to hear Mr TB is still so poorly, and your hernia no better.
Well done on the weight loss.
Well it's nearly a year out, I don't know where the year has gone.
I haven't been coming on for a while to see how folks are getting on, reason I feel such a failure and not done great in my weight loss.
But this week decided to go back to basic's and give it another go, before my yearly appointment in November.
Maggy, Xenia67 and all November buddies well done to you all.
All take care, huge hugs xx
Great news you're getting your hernia sorted TB, I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about and will feel like a new woman afterwards!
Can't believe it's almost a year since surgery- mine was Nov 1st, it's flown by!
I've been maintaining my weight for the last 3 months or so and am quite happy where I'm at. Ideally would like to lose about another half stone but not really stressing about it, if I do great, if i don't it doesn't matter.
Life's been a rollercoaster over the last year that's for sure but I can honestly say, it's the best thing I've done and I'm in a really happy place.
Hope everyone else is doing well and would love to see some 1 year surgiversary updates xx