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March 2014 Surgeries

If I sick of coffee soohoo I have warm milk. Either way its gettin it in lol. I aint had an acidy tummy..... hope i dont, just a strange sort of feeling like everything is moving back to wear it should be....... kind of my new tummy getting settled in.

Its a bit like after I had my children where everything is clicking back into place.

I would just give them a ring, there no harm in it hun . Hope its all sorted for u and take care xx
I'm reading all the posts...my plasters were off and healing niceley. I've been driving and feel great. A week ago today I had gastric bypass. Only issue is not going to toilet. Weigh day Saturday...
I hope everyone feels stronger soon!xxx

Hi Slimby50... Glad things are going well. I weighed myself today....... I've lost nothing.......can't believe it. It's so depressing. I'm 2 1/2 weeks post op. I hope all this was worth it. :confused:
So on new laxatives to shift constipation. Dr checked my stomarh and it seems to b fine! Please god let this work!
Was it movicol ? How's the by pass treating slimby... Still having a great recovery? ( other than the bowel situ ) xx
I feel great...if I could go. Stomarch swollen from constipation and I over did lifting yesterday.my Drs not worried yet! Thanks for asking. Hows u?
Trait is molvocol
It's a type of laxido laxative ( more expense and slightly stronger to prescribe) ... Do u feel it lifting? Don't know about you but I've struggled carrying bags etc ... Feels like my tummy is strained???

I'm good ta- battling the head food tonight. But feel good.

Good luck for your WI on Saturday :)
Fyi.... New laxatives work! Phew!!!
Hi all 14 days post op now and still feeling tired,struggling to eat anything I can manage 1 cup a soup a yoghurt and small bottle water every day if I try for more I get nauseous.constipations a big problem but Drs given me senna.2 of my scars are infected and I feel so bloody low in myself any body else feel this way? I thought I'd be raring to go by now.xx
Tinker..I'm so sorry to hear this. But everyone is different. Sending get well vibes ur wayxxx
I'm only just beginning to feel normal again after 9 weeks! It's still early days. Things will get better. I have been feeling very fatigued up until having my B12 injection this week. I am also still waiting for an open wound in my tummy to heal. Had an emergency bowel open operation 2 days after my bypass op. Was constantly vomiting for 3 weeks as bowels stopped working. Had 4 enemas and waited 19 days for a bowel movement. My point is things do get better. Just takes some of us a bit longer. I know it's depressing but try not to let it get to you. It will be worth it in the end and that's from someone who was convinced they were going to die 8 weeks ago!
March is the month of many weathers..... and from reading the messages on here it's been a month of many problems for us post oppers. Trouble healing, struggling with eating, problem poohs, niggling nausea and no weight loss, to mention but a few.

But we are here and we have each other when we need a shoulder to lean on.........
Good post strWberry. I love it! How u doing now?
morning all.sherie hope you are feeling beta today.strawberry we will get there.i have a wound and the nurse is coming daily.and now I have got thrush both ends.i feel up and down.we are all different.i just want to get my clothes on and get off.but it does take time and we have to perseve to get ourselves well.no use in rushing.the doctor didn't seem to think the acidy stomach was anything.if it persists ringgp.and he will see me earlier than my monthly app.you all take care be in touch soon
I'm only just beginning to feel normal again after 9 weeks! It's still early days. Things will get better. I have been feeling very fatigued up until having my B12 injection this week. I am also still waiting for an open wound in my tummy to heal. Had an emergency bowel open operation 2 days after my bypass op. Was constantly vomiting for 3 weeks as bowels stopped working. Had 4 enemas and waited 19 days for a bowel movement. My point is things do get better. Just takes some of us a bit longer. I know it's depressing but try not to let it get to you. It will be worth it in the end and that's from someone who was convinced they were going to die 8 weeks ago!
thank you Sharie hope things get better for you too.xx
sorry not been on much son had surgery few days ago

tinker hope you feel better soon it can be hard i guess when we expect so much then we get issues but we all heal at different rates and we dont know what rate til we are done

strawberry hows you now doing better i hope after your extended stay at the hospital

good to see your on the road to recovery slim

and for all who i may have missed hope everyone is feeling better really soon sorry rushing again back to my son
Hi princess,hope everything is ok. Thinking of uxx