Oh Nic your pics are Gorgeoussssssssssss!! Wow u look great ! Welldone on the Weightloss !! xxx
Hi Nic,
I hope your weekend took your mnd off the decorating.
How's things going, N?
Doesn't help when you hear about people talking about you behind your back (from here!)
I'm away in London this weekend with my lovely Mum and then I have my holiday on 15th November to look forward to. Shame that its on the same day as the Manchester meet would of loved to of met you so sorry about that hun.
How's things with you? xx
Who?!!! Send them in my direction, baba...
Well alledgedly me. Knowing how the whispers on this board work everyone has already been told what a complete b*tch I am being so its probably not news to anyone.
I would have hoped that most people on here know me well enough to know that I don't b*tch or talk behind peoples backs but it seems there are a few who are just determined to think badly of me and take offense at nothing.
You know what, I've said it before on here, all of us have no doubt been bullied and excluded and suffered socially because of our weight problems, and I think it's truly pathetic that we carry on doing it amongst ourselves.
To be honest, Shel, I think we all have so many other things going on in our lives that this place is somewhere we would like to think we can come to and forget about the sh*t going on around us.
It's so easy to misunderstand or misread posts and comments - I know that I have done it before, and no doubt I will do it in the future. I'm guilty of taking things to heart just as much as the next person...
I think it would be better just to let it all go... whatever has been said, whatever has been misunderstood or taken the wrong way, I doubt it is worth falling out over... do you agree?
I hate bad feeling between people... heck, I've clashed with members before (remember my thread a week before my op?!!!) but I like to think I have let it go and moved on.
Feel free to tell me to butt out... but I truly believe that it's not worth fighting over, especially on a public forum... and especially on a member's thread
I also think, as I have said at the beginning of this post, that a lot of us have major issues going on in our lives and it's better to just take a step back, forgive and forget...
Right... I'm running off before I get a :whoopass: for sticking my nose in where it shouldn't be! I just saw that you had quoted me and I wanted to try and diffuse the situation... again, I really don't like to see peeps fighting x
hey missy chin up hun, its been a while so how u doing, as for anything just let it go hun its not worth the hassle is it, anyway u take care ok xxx
Nic come back I need you!!!!!!!!!!!xxx