Sorry to hear you've had an infection Nic. Hope it clears up really soon. Been thinking of you and hope all is going well.
Hi Nic, sorry to hear things have a been a bit tough for u. I hope things get better soon. I know how it feels in life to have really tough times and in some cases just didn't know how i would get thru but there is a light at the end of the tunnel in all circumstances , ya just have to be strong and try your best till ya get there. Glad u have someone to talk too...its very important and Mandy is great for advice and i hope things start getting better whatever they are . Take care mate. xxxx
Hi Nick i am a new person, I haven't had my Gastric Bypass operation yet am on waiting list of 20 weeks. Your story if fabulous. Wrie one about how you felt before surgery. Liz