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My diary warts and all

Hope u ok today hon xxx
Do it straight away at 9 this morning. Once you get a defill it all should be sort itself out hon and heal nicely. You can't go on its not fair. Don't worry over it, just needs a little time to settle and you'll soon be back on the phone sorting it to be filled again. None of this is your fault, let them sort it as they should!!! Good luck chick, be thinking of you xxx
Ouch! Poor you Kel :( Ring then straight away and hopefully it will be fixed soon. Big hugs to you! Ler us know how you get on xxx
Thanks girls I rang the emergency number and the out patient nurse said to ring up at 9 and get a n appointment to get some fluid out tomorrow xxx
Mine did not put fluid in as when fitted you get lots off swelling and takes time to calm down but every one does it different hope you get it sorted
Take care
Thanks guys I have to go to clinic tomorrow so they can fit me in for emergency appt hope I'm done early cos I need to go to town and get home!! I'll get there early see what happens xxx
Good luck hon. Hopefully this will sort everything out!! Xxx

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good luck :grouphugg:
Awake in the night in the most horrendous pain again can't wait to get this sorted I'm so sore this morning and I'm so tired from not sleeping properly! Xxx
Hi Kell

So sorry you are suffering so bad.

How many mls have you got in your band? did it get put in at op or have you had a fill already?

Im now 7ml in my band and touch wood have been ok. One of the ladies who had hers done the same day as me was sick really bad last week and she was due her 2nd fill.

They took the 4ml out she had in and left her a few days till it settled then she got it put back in after that.

Keep us updated how you get on and good luck.

x x x
Hi hon, hope it goes well today. Looking forward to hear how it all went xxx

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Hi guys all is well she give me a complete defill too the full 4ml out and said let it settle my next appt is 14th nov and she said keep that cos I should be ok for a fill then it really doesn't hurt just a jab of the needle and done no pain at all fingers crossed for tonight I don't wake up with the spasms! Xxxx