hi mandy, i had actually bookmarked your diary just so i could keep reading it over a couple days and ...wow! the journey you've gone through is truly incredible and you should be so very proud of yourself! it must be frustrating for you not having support from your family and i can't imagine what thats like, but just reading on here there are so many people that love you, and it sounds like you have a wonderful family! so i know its easy for me to say, but this operation is a new start in life for you, so maybe embrace that and concentrate on what matters e.g. family, friends and everything and try not to let your horrible parents get to you! it seems to of made you a stronger person, and they don't know what a wonderful daughter they have!
you truly are an inspiration to me and so many other people im sure, so i wanted to say a big thank you! and never give up hun! you're a true star xx