Sadly nobody took me up on my offer though it was really short notice. Maybe next time

I took my daughter and a friend and had a half bowl of a heavenly tomato and basil soup at this wonderful italian restraunt. Then did a bit of was lovely and I had a brilliant time. Came home and started fixing the husband dinner and he said is it only for him and when I said yes he threw a strop and said f*** it he didn't want nothing he'd just eat bread or something so I said fine and put everyone away and told him he needed to stop acting like a spoiled 3 year old. Now he isn't talking to me...I'm so sad...NOT!!!!
I'm going out to see my ex tomorrow lol. He has called me everyday since a week before my surgery asking if he can do anything for me/get me anything/pick up my shopping...he came to see me in hospital 5 times (my husband came once and I had to invite him and make sure nobody else would be visiting me and
he made comments about the girl who I made friends with in hospital being another sad a** fatty taken the easy way out). The ex (btw) is an ex because I was still hung up on husband and broke up with him to go back to husband

Stupid woman I am!!
Oh and he saw my stomach today and said Christ thats a mess and he bets I don't get a thing out of all this stupid crap...I hope someday he has to choke on every nasty thing he says to me right now. I mailed my housing form today!! Cross your fingers I get a place asap!!! I'm not letting him get to me now it's all just infuriating me. People who love you don't just say it that show it and no matter how much they disagree with what you are doing they stand by you and offer their support...he doesn't care about me or love me at all.